News item

news iconLecturers required to support the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA) in reviewing principal learning qualifications

The QCDA are currently looking for HE lecturers who would like to be involved in reviewing principal learning qualifications. The feedback from HE lecturers has always been well regarded by awarding bodies and their involvement will help to ensure that the qualifications are as robust as possible, and hence more likely to be successful. All HE lecturers receive a £250 honorarium following completion of the review and attendance at the focus groups.

news iconSchools set the trail for a language revolution
Plans to introduce language learning in every primary school in England have taken a step forward, with the announcement of pilot projects and a new national director for teaching languages.
news iconConsultation: language learning and linguistic diversity
As a part of its ongoing work to promote a multilingual Europe, the European Commission is undertaking a public consultation about language learning and linguistic diversity in Europe.

LLAS Event

llasevent iconEnhancing modern foreign languages teaching for new tutors
Event date: 23 September, 2009
Location: SR 1.06 Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds
llasevent iconTeaching, Learning and Assessing Linguistics
Event date: 4 May, 2001
Location: CILT, London


paper iconResearching 'Languages Work': Why don't teenagers pick languages?
With the removal of languages from the compulsory curriculum for 14-16 year olds, the post 16 decline in language learning is starting to affect numbers taking GCSE as well. Public debate centres on the importance of pupil choice, and the alleged unpopularity of the subject among teenagers. The 'Languages Work' project has produced materials designed to improve careers guidance in languages, and so increase take up. This paper outlines findings from our development work which sheds light on teenagers' attitudes towards languages and how to address their misconceptions.
paper iconBefore navigating: Grief and the new landscape for Languages
This paper engages critically with the futures we are presently imagining in terms of the language of 'employability', 'service teaching', and 'skills'. It engages the energy of grief as of key structural import and argues that for us to learn to navigate anew, for us to be people who language and who bring the intellectual delight and the trouble of languages to life, in the university, then collective grief and the sense of loss are not marginal affairs. Indeed, the authors argue, this is the ground from which innovation, hope and imagination grow.


Web Guide (GPG)

webguide iconSecond language acquisition (SLA) research: its significance for learning and teaching issues

The purpose of this general overview article is to outline how research into second language acquisition (SLA) over the last few decades has fed into our understanding of learning and teaching in foreign language classrooms. After a very brief overview of SLA research findings concerning both route and rate of L2 development, theoretical models attempting to explain these findings are presented, ranging from purely linguistic to cognitive models and social/interactionist models. The relationship between SLA research and second language pedagogy is then explored. Finally, recent developments investigating specifically the relationship between instruction and L2 development are outlined.

webguide iconIndividual differences in second and foreign language learning
The contribution surveys work on individual differences in second and foreign language learning. It covers the areas of foreign language aptitude, motivation, learning strategies and learning style. Research in each area is covered, and the current state of play in each sub-field is assessed. Further bibliographic guidance is provided.
webguide iconLanguage advising
There is a well developed educational argument (examined elsewhere in the Good Practice Guide) which considers independent learning a desirable goal of Higher Education.The shift in language learning from a teacher-led to a more learner-centred approach and the increased use of a variety of media and technologies has required a repositioning of the teacher and a reappraisal of the teachers skills. Within this context a new professional role, distinct from the teacher, has emerged. Terms such as facilitator, mentor, counsellor, adviser, helper, learner support officer and consultant have been used to characterise such role and identify differences in skills and functions with the teaching profession.This article focuses on the skills and practices of language advising.
webguide iconEducation and linguistics
This article considers the relationship between linguistics and education. It outlines the key differences between the two disciplines, briefly summarises the history of linguistics within Education teaching in HE, and lists the ways in which linguistics informs both general educational practice, and the methodology of teaching languages.
webguide iconCALL (computer assisted language learning)
An introduction to Computer Assisted Language Learning, including a brief history and mention of more recent trends (CD-ROMS, DVDs, the Web) and professional associations dedicated to CALL.

Materials Bank Item

matbank iconTeacher training: Development of Postgraduate and Language Assistants (DOPLA)
Staff development materials specifically for the training of Postgraduate Teaching Assistants and Foreign Language Assistants, but which can be used for the staff development of any language teaching staff who are new to the profession.