
Deborah Adams, 4th year Humanities with English Language student at the Open University, was a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2009.
LLAS Event

Event date: 6 December, 2006
Location: University of Brighton
Materials Bank Item

This resource consists of graded 'Hot Potato' exercises to develop knowledge/awareness of the structure and function of English Language. The materials provide a useful resource for students (e.g. modern foreign languages) who wish to improve, refresh or develop their knowledge of English Language or for professional development for teachers.
News item

As part of the BBC's Voices season that will run through 2005, they are broadcasting a series of programmes about regional dialects on Radio 4. They have also created a website with interesting links including a discussion of bilingualism (17th August 2005).

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.