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Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
CAA 2012 Recording on Commercial Excavations with the Nikon Archaeology iSpace System. Abstract
Maarten Smeets, Geoff Avern
CAA 2012 Recycling Roberts and Wrathmell: Building and Analysing the Atlas of Rural Settlement in England GIS Abstract
Andrew George Lowerre
CAA 2012 Reflections on the rocky road to E-Archaeology Abstract
geoff carver
CAA 2012 Re-introducing FASTI Online: FASTI and Furious Abstract
Jessica Ogden
CAA 2012 Reliability of the representation of a distribution: a case-study on Middle Bronze Age metal finds in the Seine valley. Abstract
Estelle Gauthier, Maréva Gabillot
Joe Rigby
CAA 2012 Re-reading the British Memorial: RTI and memorial inscriptions in British churches Abstract
Gareth Beale, Nicole Beale
CAA 2012 (Re)seeing the engraved block of El Mirón Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria, Spain) Abstract
Vera Moitinho de Almeida, Luis Teira, Manuel González-Morales, Lawrence G. Straus, Millán Mozota, Ana Blasco
CAA 2012 Restitutions of architectural hypotheses in an archaeological 3D GIS Abstract
Eric Desjardin, Olivier Nocent, Dominique Pargny, Cyril de Runz
CAA 2012 Revealing hidden realities in archaeology through laser scanner technologies. A critical analysis. Abstract
Mercedes Farjas, Jose Julio Zancajo, Teresa Mostaza, Juan Gregorio Rejas
CAA 2012 Reverse Engineering Archaeological Artefacts Abstract
Vera Moitinho de Almeida, Juan Anton Barceló
CAA 2012 ROAD - A Portal and Platform for Research on Early Humans Abstract
Michael Märker, Zara Kanaeva, Geraldine Quénéhervé, Volker Hochschild
CAA 2012 Rock Art on the Cloud: Spatial Data Infrastructure about Horn of Africa rock art Abstract
Alfonso Fraguas-Bravo
CAA 2012 Rock-art in the taskscape: a GIS-based approach to understanding the role of Iron Age rock-art in the lived landscape of Valcamonica (BS), Italy Abstract
Craig Alexander
CAA 2012 Round Table Discussion Abstract
Kayt Armstrong, Chris Gaffney, Anthony Beck, Steve Davis, Klaus Locker, Karolin Kastowsky, Geert Verhoeven, Benjamin Vis, Jimmy Adcock, Jessica Ogden, Sophie Hay, Stephen Kay, Kris Strutt
CAA 2012 Round Table Discussion Abstract
Alyson Gill et al.
CAA 2012 Royalty and Rust: Tidgrove Key Reconstructions Abstract
Grant Bryan Jeffrey Cox, David Hinton, kristian Strutt
CAA 2012 RTI and Graphical Visualisation Abstract
Graeme Earl, Gareth Beale, Hembo Pagi, Grant Cox
CAA 2012 Rural Life in Protohistoric Italy: using integrated spatial data to explore protohistoric settlement in the Sibaritide Abstract
Kayt Armstrong, Martijn van Leusen
CAA 2012 Sandstone Pointcloud Smartphone Footfall: using TLS data to engage visitors with hidden cultural heritage Abstract
David Strange-Walker, Julia E Clarke
CAA 2012 Scaling Etruscan expansion Abstract
Letizia Ceccarelli, David Redhouse, Simon Kenneth Stoddart
CAA 2012 SDI: A perspective from a UK archaeological unit Abstract
Paul J Cripps
CAA 2012 Sea++: Connecting the Ancient World with Pelagios Project Abstract
Leif Isaksen, Elton Barker, Rainer Simon
CAA 2012 SEAD - The Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database. Inter-linking multiproxy environmental data with archaeological investigations and ecology. Abstract
Philip Iain Buckland, Erik J Eriksson, Fredrik Palm
CAA 2012 Seeing the unseen: Archaeological detection outside the visible spectrum Abstract
David Stott, Doreen Boyd, Anthony Beck, Anthony Cohn
251 - 275 of 380 Items << < 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 > >>