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Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
CAA 2012 Semantic Web Technologies Applied to Numismatic Collections Abstract
Ethan Gruber, Sebastian Heath, Andrew Meadows, Daniel Pett, Karsten Tolle, David Wigg-Wolf
CAA 2012 Semantics and thesauri for the study of Ancient Curse Tablets Abstract
Achille Felicetti
CAA 2012 Settlement patterns in Drahany Highlands: GIS and quantitative methods based approach Abstract
Lucie Culikova, Lukáš Holata
CAA 2012 Shape grammar modelling and the visualisation of an uncertain past Abstract
Matthew James Harrison
CAA 2012 Shepherds or farmers? GIS-based approaches to understand the pre-Roman transhumance and land exploitation in Umbrian region (Central Italy) Abstract
Tommaso Mattioli, Paolo Camerieri
CAA 2012 Simulated paths, real paths? The study case of the Iberian Cessetania (iron age society). POSTER Abstract
Joan Canela Gràcia
CAA 2012 Site recording using automatic image based three dimensional reconstruction techniques Abstract
Victor Ferreira
Francesca Fulminante
CAA 2012 Social Spreading of Geometric, Recorded Data from a Range of Types 3D Scanners via a Web Data Server. Abstract
Jorge Angas, Paula Uribe, Alfredo Serreta
CAA 2012 Soil Erosion Risk Assessment near Archaeological Sites in Grevena, Northwestern Greece using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and GIS Abstract
Miki A Beavis
CAA 2012 Spatial characterization and prediction of Neanderthal sites based on stochastic environmental modelling Abstract
Michael Märker, Michael Bolus
CAA 2012 Spatial Configuration and the Roman House: A Visibility Graph Analysis Approach Abstract
Adlai Lang
CAA 2012 Spatio-temporal analysis of radiocarbon dated archaeological artefacts from eastern Fennoscandia – a Bayesian computing approach using a Poisson point process model Abstract
Juhana Kammonen, Petro Pesonen, Markku Oinonen, Tarja Sundell, Päivi Onkamo
CAA 2012 Speeding up Georeferencing with subpixel accuracy Abstract
Gianluca Cantoro
CAA 2012 SteppingIn – modern humans moving into Europe Abstract
Fulco Scherjon
CAA 2012 STONE LANDSCAPES | a fine art route through landscape visualisation Abstract
Rose Ferraby
CAA 2012 Structural analysis of earthworks and wooden systems: a support to restore the neolithic monumental architecture Abstract
CAA 2012 Structural assessment of ancient building components Abstract
Georg Herdt, Aykut Erkal, Dina D’Ayala, Mark Wilson Jones
CAA 2012 Study of Mont Bego's engravings with a Geographic Information System Abstract
Thomas Huet
CAA 2012 Surface artifact survey and analysis of ceramic concentrations Abstract
Ondřej Malina, Jakub Šilhavý
CAA 2012 SVG Pottery: upgrading pottery publications to the Web age Abstract
Stefano Costa
CAA 2012 Tablet computer as a documentation tool for excavating an archaeological site: practical employment in the field and future possibilities Abstract
Eva Butina
CAA 2012 Taking excavation to a virtual world: importing archaeological spatial data to Second Life and OpenSim Abstract
Isto Huvila, Kari Uotila
CAA 2012 Teaching Cultural Heritage and 3D Modelling through a Virtual Reconstruction of a late Middle-Age Church Abstract
Andres Bustillo, Ines Miguel, Lena Saladina Iglesias, Ana Maria Peña, Laura Martinez
CAA 2012 Telling the story of ancient coins by means of interactive RTI images visualization Abstract
Gianpaolo Palma, Roberto Scopigno, Eliana Siotto, Sabrina Batino, Monica Baldassarri, Marc Proesmans
276 - 300 of 380 Items << < 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 > >>