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Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
CAA 2012 'Tangible Pasts': User-Centred Design of a Mixed Reality Application for Cultural Heritage Abstract
Angeliki Chrysanthi, Constantinos Papadopoulos, Tom Frankland
CAA 2012 15 more years of computer applications in archaeology Abstract
Tom Frankland
CAA 2012 21st Century Archaeology- How Do We Make an Archaeology Curriculum that Involves Digital Devices Beyond Token Programs? Abstract
Doug Rocks-Macqueen
CAA 2012 3D documentation and exploratory data analysis of excavation data using GIS Abstract
Markos Katsianis, Spyros Tsipidis
CAA 2012 3D Documentation for the assessment of underwater archaeological remains Abstract
Barbara Davidde, Gabriele Gomez de Ayala, Roberto Petriaggi
CAA 2012 3D Documentation in Archaeology: Recording Las Cuevas Site, Chiquibul Reserve, Belize Abstract
Fabrizio Galeazzi, Holley Moyes
CAA 2012 3D imaging at the microscale: Feature visualisation and wear analysis applied to artefacts Abstract
Adrian Evans
CAA 2012 3D Laser Scan of Stonehenge, Wiltshire. Abstract
Andrew James Dodson, Cory D Hope
CAA 2012 3D Laser Scanning and Virtual Reconstructions, their integration as research and educational tools for representing the past. Case of study: the Virtual Roman Baths of Edeta. Abstract
CAA 2012 3D laser scanning for site documentation: Worth the price? Abstract
Philip Sapirstein, Katie Simon, Thann Baker, Rachel Opitz, Christine Markussen
CAA 2012 3D Macrowear Analysis of Sculpture techniques in the Manufacture of the Neolithic Stelae with Horns of the Serra de Mas Bonet (Vilafant, Catalonia) Abstract
Vera Moitinho de Almeida, Rafel Rosillo, Antoni Palomo
CAA 2012 3D model of Lugo’s Roman Walls (Galicia-Spain) using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Abstract
María J. Iniesto-Alba, Alicia Cañizares, David Miranda, Rafael Crecente
CAA 2012 3D modelling of cultural objects in t he V&A Museum. An aid to scholars. Abstract
james stevenson, Bernd Breuckmann
CAA 2012 3D Representations from Reflectance Transformation Image Datasets: A case study from early Egypt Abstract
Kathryn E. Piquette, Lindsay W. MacDonald
CAA 2012 @OccupyWatlingStreet: Can we find out Who was occupying What, Where and When in the past? Abstract
Keith May
CAA 2012 A DATABASE FOR RADIOCARBON DATES. Some methodological and theoretical issues about its implementation Abstract
Igor Bogdanovic, Giacomo Capuzzo, Glauco Mantegari, Juan A. Barceló
CAA 2012 A Digital Terrain Analysis and Multi-Critera Evaluation of Higher Archaeological Potential Landforms in Northern Alaska. Abstract
Sarah Kessick
CAA 2012 A Free and Open Source Platform for remote sensing and 3D data acquisition. Abstract
Alessandro Bezzi, Luca Bezzi, Rupert Gietl
CAA 2012 A High-Performance Computing Simulation of an Irrigation Management System: The Hohokam Water Management Simulation II Abstract
John T. Murphy
CAA 2012 A methodology for the digitization of ancient buildings using open source software tools: the case of the Castle of Bouvignes Abstract
Daniel Pletinckx, Massimiliano Corsini
CAA 2012 A network-based approach to the analysis of the spatial distribution of artefacts from surface contexts Abstract
John Pouncett
CAA 2012 A new approach for a peculiar Palaeolithic site: Spatial analysis at La Garma (Spain) Abstract
Alfredo Maximiano Castillejo, Pablo Arias Cabal, Roberto Ontañon Peredo
CAA 2012 A new method of spatial analysis based on the extraction of proximity graphs Abstract
Diego Jimenez
CAA 2012 A new online platform for archaeological and cultural heritage dissemination and discussion Abstract
Nicola Schiavottiello, Sharjil Nawed
CAA 2012 A new photogrammetric method applied to mining archaeology Abstract
Adrien Arles, Patrick Clerc, Florian Téreygeol, Jürgen Heckes
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