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Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
CAA 2012 ArcheoInf, the CIDOC-CRM and STELLAR: workflow, bottlenecks, and where we go from here? Abstract
Geoff Carver
CAA 2012 Archiving Three-Dimensional Archaeology: New Technologies, New Solutions? Abstract
Kieron Niven
CAA 2012 Are we there yet? The discipline of archaeological computing Abstract
Jeremy Huggett
Renato Perucchio, Jannick Rolland, Elizabeth Colantoni
CAA 2012 Automatic coin classification and identification Abstract
Reinhold Huber-Mörk, Michael Nölle, Michael Rubik, Michael Hödlmoser, Martin Kampel, Sebastian Zambanini
CAA 2012 Automatically Recognizing the Legends of Ancient Roman Imperial Coins Abstract
Albert Kavelar, Sebastian Zambanini, Martin Kampel
CAA 2012 Back into Pleistocene waters Abstract
Augusto Palombini, Antonia Arnoldus Huydzendveld, Marco Di Ioia, Patrizia Gioia, Carlo Persiani, Sofia Pescarin
CAA 2012 Beyond INSPIRE: towards delivering richer heritage data in Scotland. Abstract
Peter McKeague, Mike Middleton
CAA 2012 Bootstrapped Correspondence Analysis in Practice Abstract
Kris Lockyear
CAA 2012 Bronze age pathways? Past populations mobility in prehistoric landscapes. Abstract
Maria Yubero-Gomez, Xavier Esteve, Xavier Rubio-Campillo, F.Javier López-Cachero
CAA 2012 Calculating Accessibility Abstract
Irmela Herzog
CAA 2012 Calibrating an Illumination Dome for Archaeological Metrology Abstract
Lindsay MacDonald, Mona Hess, Ali Hosseininaveh Ahmadabadian, Stuart Robson
CAA 2012 Can Infovis tools support the analysis of spatio-temporal diffusion patterns in historic architecture? Abstract
Jean-Yves BLAISE, Iwona DUDEK
CAA 2012 Can points, polygons, and lines represent dynamic and differing spatial landscapes of hunter-gatherers, pastoralists, and fisher-folk? An example of the role of GIS in understanding Holocene archaeology in the Lake Turkana basin in Northern Kenya Abstract
Loretta Dibble
CAA 2012 Can you hack (the) communication? Abstract
Hugh Corley
CAA 2012 Capturing and working with 3D data in heritage contexts Abstract
Paul J Cripps
CAA 2012 Close-range photogrammetry vs. 3D scanning: Comparing data capture, processing and model generation in the field and the lab Abstract
Rachel Opitz, Katie Simon, Adam Barnes, Kevin Fisher, Lauren Lippiello
CAA 2012 Combining diverse modeling techniques to produce high-fidelity reconstructions Abstract
Peter Anthony Inker, Taylor Baldwin
CAA 2012 Combining Terrestrial Laser Scanning and techniques of digital image processing in “Archaeology of the Architecture” analysis, in the Walls of the Andalusian Site of Vascos (Navalmoralejo, Toledo-Spain) Abstract
María J. Iniesto-Alba, Miguel Bru, Estela Paradelo, Ricardo Izquierdo, Pablo Carballo Cruz
CAA 2012 Comparing the informatics of text and Cultural Heritage: the SAWS project Abstract
Stuart Dunn, Anna Jordanous, Mark Hedges, Christoph Storz
CAA 2012 Comprehensive Digital Recording and Analysis: iPads, Photogrammetry, Geophysics and GIS. Abstract
Eric E. Poehler
CAA 2012 Concepts for Studying the Built Environment: A framework of socio-spatial reasoning for identifying and operationalising comparative analytical units in GIS Abstract
Benjamin N. Vis
CAA 2012 Connecting Archaeology and Architecture in Europeana: the Iberian digital collections Abstract
Ana Martinez, Francisco Gómez Cabeza, Arturo Ruiz Rodríguez, Alberto Sánchez Vizcaino
CAA 2012 Constraining flexibility: moving entity relationships from structure to data Abstract
Ian Johnson, Stephen A White
CAA 2012 Crafting Archaeological Methodologies: Suggesting Method Engineering for the Humanities and Social Sciences Abstract
Cesar Gonzalez-Perez, Charlotte Hug
51 - 75 of 380 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>