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Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
CAA 2012 Linking with legacy: Modelling spatio-temporal distribution patterns of 40 year old excavation data from the settlement site of Zagora Abstract
Ian Johnson, Beatrice McLoughlin, Matthew McCallum, Andrew Wilson, Steven Hayes
CAA 2012 Long-term change detection from the Mediterranean context: the case study of Menorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). Abstract
monica de cet, simón gornés hachero, joana gual cerdó, elena sintes olives, bianca willié, rainer duttmann, roberto risch, johannes müller
CAA 2012 Lost Worlds: A predictive model to locate submerged archaeological sites in SE Alaska, USA Abstract
Kelly R Monteleone, E. James Dixon
Alejandro Garcia, Diego Garate
CAA 2012 Low-cost, rapid, mid-resolution 3D data capture using miniature, automatic Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and modern computer vision algorithms Abstract
Hartmut Tschauner
CAA 2012 Making visible: 3D voxel representations of ‘sites without features’. The case study of Hoge Vaart, the Netherlands Abstract
Stefania Merlo, Hans Peeters
CAA 2012 Managing data from multiple sensors in an interdisciplinary research cruise Abstract
Øyvind Ødegård
CAA 2012 Map Digitisations: Methodological Foundations, Uncertainties, and Error Margins at the example of the Gough Map Abstract
Catja Pafort
CAA 2012 Mapping Spanish Republican Airfields: Using GIS for interpreting Air Warfare Abstract
Maria Carmen Rojo-Ariza, Xavier Rubio-Campillo, Francesc Xavier Hernàndez-Cardona
CAA 2012 Mapping the Late Iron Age of the Vredefort Dome, South Africa Abstract
Patrick Joseph Byrne
CAA 2012 Mapping the museum: artefacts to hand - A 3D tablet interactive visualisation, reaching from the museum into the showcases Abstract
Maria Doriana De Padova
CAA 2012 Marine Digital Data Archiving with MEDIN : Measure once, use many times Abstract
Tom Dommett
CAA 2012 Markers, visibility and the structuration of past landscapes. Analysing the role of megalithic monuments as waypoints during Iberian Late Prehistory. Abstract
Patricia Murrieta-Flores
CAA 2012 Matera Città Narrata project: a multimedia and multiplatform guide for mobile systems Abstract
Eva Pietroni
CAA 2012 Material Culture Living Conditions: a digital platform for the publication of large artifact assemblage´s datasets Abstract
Jesús Bermejo Tirado, Irene Mañas
CAA 2012 Material Motion: A case study in quantitative motion analysis Abstract
Kirk Woolford, Stuart Dunn
CAA 2012 Mathematical models for the determination of archaeological potential Abstract
Gabriele Gattiglia, Nevio Dubbini
CAA 2012 MeshLab as a complete open tool for the integration of photos and color with high-resolution 3D geometry data Abstract
Marco Callieri, Matteo Dellepiane, Guido Ranzuglia, Paolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno
CAA 2012 Methodological contest between high-end hardware and low-cost equipment for archaeological documentation Abstract
Undine Lieberwirth, Bernhard Fritsch, Markus Neteler, Markus Metz
CAA 2012 Modeling Anthropic Ecosystems: a framework to understanding the whole before modeling the parts Abstract
Andreas Angourakis
CAA 2012 Modeling Ice Patch Location via GIS Analysis of Topography - Short Paper Abstract
Nicholas Levi Jarman, Kelly R Monteleone, E James Dixon, Michael Claude Grooms
CAA 2012 Modeling Stonehenge: visualisation, auralisation, apps and films Abstract
Rupert Till
CAA 2012 Modelling Neolithic site location with MaxEnt Abstract
Claira Lietar
CAA 2012 Multi+ or Manifold Geophysical Prospection? Abstract
Apostolis Sarris
CAA 2012 Multi-method archaeological prospection in the Brú na Bóinne WHS, Co. Meath, Ireland. Abstract
Stephen Davis, Conor Brady, Kevin Barton
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