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Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
CAA 2012 Cultural Heritage Application Schema: a SDI framework within the Protected Sites INSPIRE Spatial Data Theme Abstract
Carlos Fernández Freire, Isabel del Bosque González, Pastor Fábrega Álvarez, Alfonso Fraguas Bravo, César Parcero Oubiña, Esther Pérez Asensio, Antonio Uriarte González, Juan Manuel Vicent García
CAA 2012 Data acquisition, processing and integration: A submerged Middle Palaeolithic site case study Abstract
Louise Tizzard
CAA 2012 Data journey - excavation data goes to large dataset Abstract
Karin Lund
CAA 2012 Data sharing in archaeology: vision, nightmare or reality? Abstract
Anja Masur, Christian Ansorge
CAA 2012 Database of Estonian Archaeological Collections – development, problems, perspectives Abstract
Priit Lätti
CAA 2012 Data-oriented approach versus process-oriented approach : from Computing to Archaeology Abstract
Djindjian François
CAA 2012 Dating Back Historical Rock Art on Marble Surfaces By means of a Mathematical Model for the Natural Erosion Processes. Abstract
Paolo Emilio BAGNOLI
CAA 2012 Deconstructing Photorealism: Art or Science? Abstract
Grant Bryan Jeffrey Cox
CAA 2012 Deconstructing the present Abstract
Suzanne-Marie Psaila
CAA 2012 Detecting the causal action, mapping the spatial distribution consequence: Geostatistic approach in chemical residues at intra-site level. Abstract
Alfredo Maximiano Castillejo
CAA 2012 Detection, recording and analysis of post-depositional transformations to the archaeological record Abstract
geoff carver
CAA 2012 Developing tools for semi-automatic classification of phytoliths: a plea for help with image processing Abstract
Carla Lancelotti, Alessandro Mosca, Michelangelo Diligenti, Bernardo Rondelli, Marco Madella
CAA 2012 Dies Studies Online Abstract
Robert Bracey
CAA 2012 Different online coin databases for different use: two examples Abstract
Mario Schlapke
CAA 2012 Diffusion of Raw Materials and Manufactured Objects. A challenge for spatial analysis? Abstract
Estelle Gauthier, Olivier Weller, Jessica Giraud, Robin Brigand
CAA 2012 Digital Models – Associative Geometry: the peculiarity of monuments in extension. The eighteenth-Century Lisbon Aqueduct as a case study Abstract
Maria Helena Rua, Ana Cristina Chalaça Gil
CAA 2012 Digitalization of the Collection of Roman Republican Coins in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria Abstract
Klaus Vondrovec
CAA 2012 Dionysias Archaeological Project: the discovery of a new town in Egypt through Remote Sensing and GIS Abstract
Gabriella Carpentiero
CAA 2012 Distribution analysis of bone findings in the prehistoric site of Mondeval de Sora (Belluno - Italy): issues and proposals Abstract
Maria Chiara Turrini, Giulia Rinaldi, Federica Fontana, Antonio Guerreschi, Ursula Thun Hohenstein
CAA 2012 Ecological and social space in the high mountains in South Norway 8500 – 2000 BP Abstract
Espen Uleberg, Ellen Anne Pedersen
CAA 2012 Ecological niche modelling for archaeological prediction: Case studies from the Pleistocene Levant and Holocene East Japan Abstract
Yasuhisa Kondo, Takashi Oguchi
CAA 2012 Embracing Uncertainty and The London Charter: Case Studies with the 3D Restoration of Ancient Sculpture Abstract
Bernard Frischer
CAA 2012 Enemy at the Gates – Prediction models of the siege tactics at the castles in the 15th century Abstract
Petr Koscelník
CAA 2012 Enhancing surface features with the Radiance Scaling Meshlab Plugin Abstract
Xavier Granier, Romain Vergne, Romain Pacanowski, Pascal Barla, Patrick Reuter
CAA 2012 Etruscanning 3D project. The 3D reconstruction of the Regolini Galassi Tomb as a research tool and a new approach in storytelling Abstract
Daniel Pletinckx, Raffaele Carlani, Irene Carpanese, Augusto Palombini, Christie Ray, Eva Pietroni
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