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Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
CAA 2012 A Paleoeconomic Approach to Predictive Modeling in the Lower Mississippi River Region (Southern Arkansas, Northern Louisiana, and Western Mississippi, USA). Abstract
Thomas G. Whitley, Inna Burns
CAA 2012 A Proposed 3-D Imaging Technique for Recording a Submerged Cultural Resource Abstract
Brian Seymour
CAA 2012 A real-time exploration of the virtual reconstruction of the “Pórtico de la Gloria” instruments Abstract
Roi Méndez Fernández
CAA 2012 A survey on archaeological Web Gis: interoperability, usability, interface from the beginning to the future development Abstract
anna maria marras
CAA 2012 A tangible chronology ? Abstract
Jean-Yves BLAISE, Iwona DUDEK
CAA 2012 Above and below: an integrated approach to the analysis and visualisation of data from topographic and geophysical surveys Abstract
John Pouncett, Christine Markussen
CAA 2012 Acoustic Data in Underwater Archaeology Abstract
Sašo Poglajen
CAA 2012 Across the river. Spatial analysis in the middle bassin of Ripoll river (Catalonia, Spain) Abstract
Maria Yubero-Gomez, Xavier Carlús
CAA 2012 ADeX for Protected Sites - Steps towards Standardisation in German Heritage (Poster) Abstract
Reiner Goeldner
CAA 2012 Advances in the computational photography tools: Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) and Algorithmic Rendering (AR) Abstract
Carla Schroer, Mark Mudge
CAA 2012 An Architect in Contemporary Archaeology, Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk Abstract
CAA 2012 An improved algorithm of artifact restoration based on image reassembly (long paper) Abstract
wuyang shui, mingquan zhou, zhongke wu
CAA 2012 An integrated remote sensing approach for regional geoarchaeology in northwestern India Abstract
Francesc Cecilia Conesa, Andrea Luca Balbo, Bernardo Rondelli, Marco Madella, P Ajithprasad
CAA 2012 Analysis of complex overlapping rock art sequences using topological tools: the case of two fragments from Piancogno (Valcamonica, BS, Italy) Abstract
Alberto Marretta, Angelo Martinotti, Mauro Colella
CAA 2012 Analysis of relationship between archaeological site distribution and multiple environmental factors in the Jomon Period of Japan using GIS Abstract
Susumu Kato
CAA 2012 Application of RTI in Conservation Abstract
CAA 2012 Applying Parallel and Distributed Computational Methodology to Modelling Irrigation Agriculture Abstract
Mark Altaweel
CAA 2012 Applying the ODD protocol in agent-based modeling of past socio-ecological dynamics Abstract
Bernardo Rondelli, Xavier Rubio, Alexis Torrano, Andrea Balbo, Miguel Ramirez, Carla Lancelotti, Matthieu Salpeteur, Victoria Reyes-García, Marco Madella
CAA 2012 Approaching spatial context from a new perspective. What can we wait from “Archaeological Information Science”? Abstract
Alfredo Maximiano Castillejo, Enrique Cerrillo Cuenca
CAA 2012 ARCA: creating and integrating archaeological databases. Abstract
Maria del Carmen Moreno Escobar
CAA 2012 ARCH (Archaeological Recovering for Cultural Heritage) and its application to the roman forum of Cástulo Abstract
Ana Martinez, Francisco Arias de Haro, Marcelo Lopez Castro
CAA 2012 Archaeology and Technology: Towards Collaborative Decipherment of Non-Verbal Markings Abstract
Barbara Rita Barricelli, Stefano Valtolina
CAA 2012 Archaeology and the Semantic Webs Abstract
Leif Isaksen, Kirk Martinez, Graeme Earl
CAA 2012 Archaeology in broad strokes: collating data for England from 1500 BC to AD 1086 Abstract
Chris Green, Chris Gosden, Zena Kamash, Letty Ten Harkel, Xin Xiong, John Pybus
CAA 2012 Archaeology, mobility and the lived experience Abstract
Jim Leary
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