Thursday Seminar:

The seminar takes place in our seminar room on the top floor (46/5081), every Thursday at 13:00. There will be one 45 min talk. Please contact Nick Evans should you desire a particular slot for your talk, or in case you want to provide an abstract or your slides.

(SHEP event calendar view and iCal feed)

Next seminar:
Past and upcoming seminars:
Speaker Title Date Room
Welcome Tue, 03/10/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
Hynek Paul & Patrick Schaefers Quantum Gravity from Conformal Field Theory & Dark Matter Signatures from Vector Resonances of Composite Higgs Models with Top Partners Tue, 13/06/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
Andrew Lawson & Zoë Slade Prospects for a Lattice Computation of Rare Kaon Decay Amplitudes K->pi l+ l- with 3 Flavours & Asymptotic Solutions in Asymptotic Safety Tue, 06/06/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
Simon King & Pasquale Di Bari Naturalness and Dark Matter in the BLSSM & SO(10)-inspired leptogenesis Tue, 30/05/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
Stanislav Schmidt & Jack Foster Supergravity from RG Flows via Holography & Integrable Structures in Quantum Field Theory Tue, 23/05/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
The first year students Easter problem presentation Tue, 16/05/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
Stefan Druc N=4 SYM Scattering amplitudes and Multi-Regge Kinematics Tue, 09/05/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
Azaria Coupe Hunting for Technicolor using Z' Searches at the LHC Tue, 02/05/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
Emine Yildirim & Elena Perdomo Mendez Phenomenology of Composite 2-Higgs Doublet Models at the LHC and Future Electron-Positron Colliders & The neutrino floor in dark matter direct detection experiments Tue, 21/03/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
Dermot O'Brien Vector-like quark production at the LHC, beyond the Narrow Width Approximation Tue, 14/03/2017 - 12:00 Seminar room (46/5081)
