Orchid Project

Orchid Blog

Autonomous drones as a defence against hacking

Created on 5 January 2014, 17:57, by Steve Beard

Obviously, drones used to support humanitarian relief in a disaster zone have a very different purpose from drones used to target and kill enemy combatants in a battle-field. However, the logistical and operational challenges are similar. When the US military lost one of its stealth drones over Iran in 2011, the Iranians claimed that they […]

ORCHID in disaster response

Created on 30 December 2013, 12:00, by Sarvapali Ramchurn

Picking up on the Disaster response video, SciDevNet have a news piece on their front page (most viewed article) talking about our work and interactions with RescueGlobal. http://www.scidev.net/global/disasters/news/artificial-intelligence-to-help-disaster-aid-coordination.html Gopal

Hack attack on the logistics of perception

Created on 20 December 2013, 14:33, by Steve Beard

In 2007, the websites of the big government ministries, media outlets and banks in Estonia suddenly went offline. The information black-out lasted for three weeks. What was going on? The online arbiters of official reality in this former Soviet-dominated republic had become the victim of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack by a group […]

The Silver level of command considered as a user interface

Created on 13 December 2013, 12:58, by Steve Beard

At a site near to a chemical spill, the incident commander has set up a tent and is directing her team of 100 field agents. She has a visual fix on the location up on screen. It’s a Google Maps satellite-coordinated representation of the spill zone, tagged with information from her agents about hazardous areas, casualties, […]

Crowdsourcing at Scale | Shared-Task Challenge Winners

Created on 12 December 2013, 22:06, by Matteo Venanzi

A joint University of Southampton and Microsoft Research Cambridge team, lead by the ORCHID researcher Matteo Venanzi, were one of the winners of the Crowdsourcing at Scale 2013 Shared Task Challenge. The challenge involved computing accurate aggregations of tween sentiment judgments for large crowdsourced datasets collected by Google and Crowdflower. The Soton/MSR team designed a […]

“What’s that guy doing with his phone?”

Created on 8 December 2013, 17:07, by Steve Beard

There are media reports of bombs on the London Underground, and you’re outside Kings Cross station, which is closed. An angry mob is building up. There’s a guy shouting into his mobile phone. Is he trying to call loved ones and becoming frustrated because he keeps getting the answer machine? Or is he a first […]

The Bronze level of command considered as a user interface

Created on 6 December 2013, 07:22, by Steve Beard

Let’s say there’s been a large-scale disaster such as a chemical spill. As it unfolds, a reconnaissance team of field agents is deployed on the ground to search for survivors, log casualties and identify where help is needed. They have their own food, water, power tools and comms equipment. They even have their own pop-up […]

Disaster response training and simulations of destruction

Created on 3 December 2013, 10:52, by Steve Beard

Steve and I went back to Building 32 to interview ORCHID team members Nadia Pantidi and Joel Fischer from the University of Nottingham about their disaster response research. It was terrifically interesting. Nadia talked about her study of a training exercise at Fort Widley in Texas for urban search and rescue responders and her work […]

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Disaster response

We are developing systems that allow first responders, unmanned ground and aerial vehicles, and software agents to work effectively together.

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Smart Grid

We are developing novel algorithms and interfaces to optimise energy consumption and coordinate consumers and producers in the smart grid.

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Citizen Science

We are developing approaches that make full use of the skills, preferences and capabilities of citizen scientists.

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