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Orchid Blog

Social Implications of HACs

I recently had a number of papersaccepted to the Third IEEE International Workshop on the Social Implications ofPervasive Computing for Sustainable Living (www.sipc2014.blogspot.com),including Orchids own Cicada project. I enjoy attending this workshop as it brings togetherresearchers with a variety of backgrounds together to have stimulating (andoften heated) discussions about the implications of their work. Another […]

Comment on Alex’s post on the World Disasters Report 2013

Created on 19 January 2014, 21:26, by Steve Beard

Fascinating report by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) on world disasters. Apparently, 2012 counts as one of the less stressful years for world disasters, given the absence of major disasters such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar in 2008 or the 2010 Haiti earthquake. The […]

The future of jobs

Created on 18 January 2014, 13:43, by Alex Rogers

Nice review article in the Economist this week on the future of jobs citing results from Mike Osborne’s paper from last year -  http://www.businessinsider.com/the-future-of-jobs-the-onrushing-wave-2014-1

Publication at CHI 2014: Doing the Laundry with Agents

Created on 17 January 2014, 14:54, by Joel Fischer

We have a forthcoming publication at CHI 2014. Download the PDF from the link below, or get it from the Southampton e-prints archive.  Costanza, E., Fischer, J.E., Colley, J.A., Rodden, T., Ramchurn, S.D. and Jennings, N.R. Doing the Laundry with Agents: a Field Trial of a Future Smart Energy System in the Home. To appear in: […]

Manchester University’s Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute.

Created on 15 January 2014, 16:53, by Steve Reece

The Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) at Manchester University (see www.hcri.ac.uk) is run by an ex-president of Medicines Sans Frontieres, Dr Rony Brauman, and “is inspired by the need to conduct rigorous, in-depth research and analysis on the impact and outcomes of contemporary and historical crises. This programme is driven by a desire to inform […]

7/7 and the narrative after the first year

Created on 14 January 2014, 19:21, by Steve Beard

What is a narrative? According to the US Armed Forces 2009 publication Counterinsurgency Operations, it’s “a story recounted in the form of a linked set of events that explains an event in a group’s history and expresses the values, character, or identity of the group.” The May 2006 government-authored report on the 7/7 London bombings […]

The narrative of disaster as a form of ‘information operations’

Created on 10 January 2014, 11:07, by Steve Beard

Insurgents in a territory express their grievances through a narrative which includes an alternative to the status quo. Before they begin to fight with guns and bombs, they fight for the hearts and minds of the population. According to the US Armed Forces 2009 publication Counterinsurgency Operations, any successful counterinsurgency operation must create a counter-narrative […]

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