Orchid Project

Orchid Blog

Disaster as an algorithmic event

Created on 7 February 2014, 15:02, by Steve Beard

When disaster strikes, what is at stake for the authorities is no longer a space which must be cordoned off, but an interval of time which must be occupied, intensified and put to work in the service of a manageable scenario. If this is a nuclear power plant meltdown, how far will the radioactive cloud […]

Gaussian Process Experience and Material from GPWS 2014

Created on 6 February 2014, 15:20, by Matteo Venanzi

<!–EndFragment–> Thematerial from the last Gaussian Process winter school organised by Prof. NeilLawrence, which was attended by two Southampton PhD students Sheffieldin January, is of high interested for people working, or starting to work, onapplied machine learning and statistical data modelling. In general, the schoolprovided good tutorials on standard GPs and kernel design, and also […]

A workshop to build future scenarios for disaster response

Created on 4 February 2014, 18:31, by Steve Beard

Victoria and I were back in Building 32 with Alex Rogers, Gopal Ramchum, Trung Dong Huynh, Nadia Pantidi and Victor Naroditskiy to brainstorm the future scenarios which disaster response teams might have to get used to in the year 2030. We got together with our laptops, threw around a bunch of ideas about urbanisation and urban decay, […]

Human Agent Interaction Conference

I came across this and I thought it might be of interest. The emphasis seems to be on robotics but there are broader themes included (design of human-agent interaction, theoretical models, experimental models of human agent interaction) as well as a smart home theme that is relevant to some of the ORCHID work. Deadline is […]

When is a disaster not a disaster?

Created on 26 January 2014, 18:43, by Steve Beard

There are developed nations with robust civil societies, legitimate sources of authority and reliable infrastructure. And then there are developing nations, where there are corrupt elites, gangs in the suburbs and unpassable roads. Uncertainty is more of a condition of everyday existence in a developing nation. A disaster becomes harder to discern in this environment. […]

The information filters at Silver command

Created on 24 January 2014, 13:20, by Steve Beard

There’s been a major incident. A tactical commander is despatched to the incident zone and ordered to report on the situation. She sends out field agents with instructions to gather information according to pre-defined criteria known as CHALET. She wants to know about casualties (the number of dead and injured), hazards (such as unexploded bombs or high […]

Another ORCHID publication in CHI2014

We are excitedto have our Cicada paper submission accepted in CHI 2014. I believe the papercan be found in Southampton’s  e-prints archive but if not drop me(or any of the authors) a line and I will send it to you.  Moran, S., Pantidi, N., Rodden, T. A., Chamberlain,A., Griffiths, C., Zilli, D., Merrett, G., and Rogers, […]

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Disaster response

We are developing systems that allow first responders, unmanned ground and aerial vehicles, and software agents to work effectively together.

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Smart Grid

We are developing novel algorithms and interfaces to optimise energy consumption and coordinate consumers and producers in the smart grid.

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Citizen Science

We are developing approaches that make full use of the skills, preferences and capabilities of citizen scientists.

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