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New online tours of Portus launched

We are pleased to have launched a series of online tours to help with navigating Portus in space and time. Produced by myself, with input from the rest of the Portus Project team, the linked tours have been created for the Claudian, Trajanic, and Severan periods, and for the Fifth to Seventh Centuries. There is also a tour providing a virtual visit to the archaeological site as it is today. Continue reading →

Summary of week four in Italian

It has been a busy journey from looking at the whole Roman Empire in the Claudian period to thinking last week about the later second century hinterland of Portus. Eleonora has posted a summary of the topics in Italian on the Italian version of this blog. As ever you can contact her via twitter or posting comments on the blog. Continue reading →

Italian translation of week one topics

Once again Eleonora has translated the summaries of the week one activities into Italian in order to support sharing of the course via Italian social media. As discussed previously the course itself runs in English and it is not possible to moderate the posts on the FL platform in English and Italian. This would require Italian speakers on the FutureLearn platform which is monitored 24 hours a day. Continue reading →

Simon introduces the 2014 Portus Field School

The discussion of the Navalia and the nails relates to the following sections on the course: Building Five - a possible Navalia [Advanced] Nails and other metal artefacts from Building Five Reconstructing Building Five Use of Building Five Some examples of the "spheres" that Simon refers to are embedded below and also available on our Portus profile on Sphere. Continue reading →

Portus and Me

First time i came to Portus in 2008 and spent two months learning various technologies used in archaeological (high tech) excavation. Since then I've been back there every year, and I am writing this post from the Casale, overlooking the Grandi Magazzini Di Settimio Severo. My main reason to join the Southampton Archaeology MSc course in Archaeological Computing was to learn about the technologies to get the archaeology presented better to the wider public. Continue reading →

Pelagios: a Sea of Connections

I’m Leif Isaksen, one of Graeme, Simon and Dragana’s colleagues in the University of Southampton Archaeology Department. This week the MOOC has been thinking about the Mediterranean as a sea of connections between ancient harbours and settlements, and the importance of Portus as a hub within it. This level of interconnectivity had an enormous impact on the lives and culture of the people who lived within and beyond the borders of the Empire. Continue reading →