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What is web science?

Open Hypermedia and the Web

Tim Berners-Lee, the main architect of the World Wide Web (W3), developed the system while working for CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research in the late 1980s. W3 was developed to overcome difficulties with managing information exchange via the Internet. At the time finding data on the Internet required pre-existing knowledge gained through various time-consuming methods: the use of specialised clients, mailing lists, newsgroups,hard copies of link lists, and word of mouth. Continue reading →

Hackathon at Google UK to help flood relief

A hackathon event is taking place in London tomorrow (Sunday) at Google UK and run in conjunction with the Open Data Institute, to use open data for flood relief efforts. Projects proposed so far include: A centralised website that serves as a "one stop shop" for local and national emergencies where critical information can be accessed. Have an API so people can get the data in which ever form they want e.g. SMS codes and/or customised web/ phone specific apps. Continue reading →

Web Science Seminar at University College London

UCL Computer Science, Web Science and Big Data Analytics Seminar by Bebo White on Friday 28th March at 13:00 Roberts G06 Sir Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre, UCL London "What Have We Learned From Web Science? - A Status Report" The World Wide Web has proven to be an invaluable collaboration tool in the physical, biological, and social sciences. The unique aspects of the Web have led to the definition of its own branch of science. Continue reading →

Is the Web changing our brains? Part 2

More recently, John Hattie and Gregory Yates (Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn) have compiled a substantial review of a variety of topics regarding learning and the scientific support for learning theories. Aimed primarily at educators, the book aptly summarises the current evidence base and educational case regarding the Web and the changing brain (amongst many other topics). Continue reading →

Is the Web changing our brain? Part 1

In the Hangout the other day, one of the topics which prompted much debate was the impact of the Web on how we think and process information. This post (part 1 of 2) develops the theme. Like most complicated questions the details of the answer are complicated too. But the broader response is not. There have been concerns raised by those such as Susan Greenfield that the Web is fundamentally changing our brain. This is of course true. Continue reading →