Web Science MOOC-up @unisouthampton #FLwebsci
This post provides a brief flavour of discussions at the “Meet the MOOCsters” event held in Garden Court at the University of Southampton tonight.
The event began with Les Carr inviting a number of guests to take the floor and explain why they had chosen to study the MOOC. Discussion moved swiftly to MOOC business models and copyright, deftly handled by Hugh Davis :-)
Keen futurelearn mooc participant asks about the funding model behind the platform #FLwebsci
— Reuben Binns (@RDBinns) November 18, 2013
@HughDavis says nothing to stop others re-using mooc content – but as @lescarr adds, its not just the content, but the community #FLwebsci
— Reuben Binns (@RDBinns) November 18, 2013
#FLwebsci @UoSFLwebsci F2F meeting – hi from the room :-)
— Brian Simpson (@gecal) November 18, 2013
The audience and twitter wall at #FLwebsci meet the moocsters event. And now @Nigel_Shadbolt has arrived! pic.twitter.com/7XVsaYssbr
— Chris Phethean (@cpheth) November 18, 2013
Nigel’s talk was filmed and we also have a number of informal interviews with people on the team answering questions posed by MOOC participants who weren’t able to attend in person. These are now published on our YouTube channel
Nigel Shadbolt taking about open data at the #FLwebsci @UoSFLwebsci MOOCup @unisouthampton pic.twitter.com/RuWv1ZvuzW
— Andrew Howells (@ahowells10) November 18, 2013
#FLwebsci @Nigel_Shadbolt persuasive in arguing for open data & using standards to address concerns of provenance & interpretation
— Ben Willmott (@xoorox) November 18, 2013
Fascinating talk by Sir Nigel Shadbolt about #OpenData @UoSFLwebsci #FLWebSci 80% initial data demo to No.10 illegally obtained!
— Brian Simpson (@gecal) November 18, 2013
We then moved onto coffee and cake, and in the final session Chris Phethean, Phil Waddell and Lisa Sugiera talked about their own web science research and took a number of questions from the floor.
Great intros to #webscience research by @cpheth @harajukugirl77 & @phil_waddell #flwebsci
— Web Science MOOC (@UoSFLwebsci) November 18, 2013