Tutor Interview Series: Susan Halford and Les Carr – What Next?
Briefly tell me what your session is going to be about.
Week 6 will take a brief look back over the MOOC and consider ‘what next’? It will be clear by now that the Web is evolving, and it will not remain as it is today. In this week we will consider where the Web might be in another 25 years, looking at emergent trends such as the internet of things, linked data and the semantic web.
What are the main aims you want to achieve?
This session will encourage you to think about where the web is going, and why this matters. The Web is not finished and nor is its current form guaranteed. We all have a stake in the Web and it is our responsiblity to be informed about its future. This week we aim to get students thinking about this.
How will the learners benefit?
Learners will benefit from the expertise and insight of some of the world’s leading Web Scientists. The emphasis of the week will be on current trends and future scenarios: where might the Web go and how can we engage with this?
What excites you most about delivering this session within the Web Science MOOC?
This session draws attention to the ‘politics’ of the Web and challenges everyone to become involved in the future of the Web. It is exciting to have 10000 people thinking about how the web is evolving, what the opportunities and costs of a future web might be, in terms of privacy, globalisation, equality, and so on.