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Fitness Geek Gifts


If you know someone who is getting into fitness right now, or is way into it already, and you're looking for stocking stuffers or larger, consider this list of suggestions over at begin2dig. If any of you want to do training in the new year, or online, shout.

Also, remember: if you feel a cold coming on, hit the Chillated Zinc. Maybe stock up now to be ready - it's not in every pharmacy.

And for just general health stay hydrated and up the vitamin D. Apparently just about all of us are Vit D deficient.

Best of the season to you!


This blog lives in the world of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton. The views expressed here, however, are not to be seen as endorsed by the School, uni, or anyone else for that matter.

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St. John's Ambulance First Aid at Work


Z-Health Movement Performance Specialist (R,I,S,T,9S)

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