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Why contact lenses rather than glasses: eyeball Range of Motion and related eye care

A lot of geeks wear glasses.

If you wear glasses, you may want to think about moving over to contact lenses.


The muscles of the eye, focal length, and long term condition. Here's a few tips on how/why to think about each of these issues.

There are six muscles that move the eye left right up down and diagonally. When we wear glasses we generally in any direction *only* to the edge of the lens. Especially with current trend's very small and narrow lenses, this may mean a very limited range of motion indeed.

As with any muscle if it's not used to in an effortful way, it deteriorates. If we limit the ROM of our eyeballs, we set them up, effectively, to atrophy. That's one.

Focal Length
The other is that glasses move the focal length of the eye out, to where the lens is. This change in natural position ALSO has an impact on the eye. Wearing contacts has a much smaller effect on changing the actual lens position for focus.

Protection from Deterioration: Go without lensing as much as possible.

Here's one more thing for you to consider: if you're wearing glasses right now, do you really need to do so? The *less* we wear glasses, the more we can practice shape distinction etc without lenses, the more practice both our eyes and brains get at resolving information without lens dependence.

Apparently, the longer in a day that we can go without lenses, the lesser likelihood there is of vision deterioration over time. That our eye sight has to change with age is a misnomer. But (again, apparently) we don't help ourselves by ALWAYS trying to optimize our vision with lensing, as it's called in the trade.

Future Proofing Your Eyes NOW

If you're a good up close reader and have difficulty with distance, there are vision exercises you can do to help improve your vision. And the sooner you can do them, the better. here's why: as we get older, if you start to work on repairing distance vision, near vision can be effected. If you spend a lot of time on the computer, which do you want to optimize for?

So a few biggies geeks can do for ourselves for good proactive eye care are:

  • if wearing glasses regularly, think about contacts to improve eye muscle ROM
  • and if you already wear contacts, replace 'em as prescribed since kak like calcium and protein do build up and that can get grotty for eye infection etc.( In the US you have places like lens.com that makes mail order easy, lucky dogs; if folks have a good rek for the UK let me know. And if you find other folks you use generally, please shout.)
  • try getting away as long as possible during the day going without lenses of any kind.
  • exercise the eyes at least once a day with near/far switching and peripheral vision drills (there's a number of these in the zhealth neural warm ups dvd's and in the s-phase video way more)
  • learn how to massage your eyes (yup you can massage your eyes) (also in the s-phase video)

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