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Getting Rid of Goal Crap & Clutter: Sedona Method

IAMGEEKFIT is usually about physical health and well-being. This entry is about getting right/fit mentally to get at that physical well being - and mental well being. It's about how to make sure when you set a goal, there's no insidious crap floating up around it, unseen, to sabotage your process. The clean up approach is called  "the sedona method."

Based on very preliminary (about a month of )study, there seems to be a really good approach to help not just set goals, but get rid of the crap around goals (eg, fear that might come up around a goal; trepidation; arrogance - whatever - all sorts of stuff).

We don't hear folks talk about that part of the goal process much. In fact i hadn't really thought about the "stuff" around a goal - having previously just focused on whether a goal was SMART (specific, measureable, etc) But what about whether the goal is really YOUR goal? Or if it is (like getting your phd before 2014), then is there stuff up around it that is making achieving it harder than it should be?

I've written a preliminary review of this approach to decluttering around goals over at begin2dig. Suffice it to say that getting a dead simple process to help clear out and let go of stuff around goals, and indeed just to be more open to other possibilities for health, wealth and relationship well being is a Really Good Thing.

If that sounds interesting, you can get a free CD/DVD and mp3 that actually lays out the whole process that's covered in the 20 CD (!) course . You may well find that you get enough from the CD and web site that you don't need anything else, but i'd encourage you to check out the cd freebie, poke around the articles on the site, and investigate what surfacing and sweeping out one's *stuff" might do for you. Let me know what you find.

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