EurOpenScholar Meeting: The University's Mission, Management and Mandate in the Open Access Era

Date: Friday 4th April 2008.

Delegates: Senior Managers of European Universities

Location: University of Southampton, UK

To register for this meeting: email

EurOpenScholar (EOS) is a European movement for Open Access to scientific and scholarly publications whose goals are to inform the European university communities about the opportunities available to researchers today for providing open access, and to establish Institutional Repositories in the universities and research centers in Europe to deliver a range of benefits

  • to provide Open Access to European research
  • to conform to funder OA mandates
  • to support the management of research activities and assets
  • to facilitate research reporting and assessment procedures
  • to boost each institution's digital profile
  • to assist institutional marketing activities
and to help fulfil the University's threefold mission of advancing knowledge through research, communicating knowledge through education and helping to apply knowledge within society.

Positive leadership in the form of university and funder Open Access mandates is required to achieve these goals. EurOpenScholarship represents a consortium of European universities resolved to move forward on Open Access and to try to convince the largest possible number of researchers, their institutions and their European funding agencies to engage now in what will undoubtedly be the mode of communication of tomorrow.

Draft Programme

The University's Mission, Management and Mandate in the Open Access Era meeting is an opportunity for senior University managers to be briefed on the current state of Open Access progress and to learn how to implement effective Open Access policies that benefit their institutions.


Registration and Breakfast Buffet


Setting the Agenda. Chair of EurOpenScholar, Professor Bernard Rentier, University of Liege

Open Access for European Universities. Dr John Smith, Deputy Secretary General, European University Association


Briefing: Open Access Progress from European and Global Perspectives. Dr Alma Swan, Key Perspectives Ltd.

Case Study: Institutional Delivery. Professor Phil Nelson, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research & Dr Mark Brown, Chief Librarian, University of Southampton


Refreshments Served

Summary Outline of Major Opportunities & Challenges, followed by Open Discussion. Professor Stevan Harnad, University of Southampton.




Closing Discussion. Agreement on Practical Steps. Chaired by Professor Bernard Rentier, University of Liege.

1500 Reception & Networking

Accommodation and Travel

Information about a short list of Southampton hotels (with map) is available; booking must be made directly with the hotel in question.

International travellers should refer to the University of Southampton's International Arrivals page. Please note the following

  • Gatwick rail travel should be specified via a town called Havant. This results in a return fare of £26.90, half the standard return.

Open Repositories conference

This meeting is hosted by the Open Repositories 2008 conference. The 0930 & 1030 sessions are open to delegates from the conference.