News item

news iconDisabled students get new rights
An article on the BBC news website reports that new laws giving disabled students greater access to post-16 education are now in effect (1st September 2005).
news iconOpen University survey on educational website design and usability
For several years, the Open University has been investigating educational website usability and design, and have found that few researchers have considered discipline-specific aspects. In 2004, their own studies pointed to there being some discipline-specific elements in the design of language learning websites. This led them to posit that there may be deeper issues involved than those that can be addressed by generic guidelines. The OU would now like to move this research forward by asking colleagues in different disciplines about their own experience of educational website design and development.


paper iconWidening horizons: Charting progress the Aston way
This paper discusses Aston University's Widening Participation project, providing pathways into the University via Foundation Degrees, with a view to creating a new service and knowledge-based workforce in the Birmingham region. Languages form an important part of the knowledge economy and the Languages For Life project, launched in 2001, is described. Current Aston undergraduates are recruited as ambassadors for local schools and a supporting conference was held. Ways in which the project can be developed further are discussed.

Web Guide (GPG)

webguide iconDisability and residence abroad
This article provides an introduction to ways of ensuring that disabled students are not denied the opportunity to participate in Residence Aboard and are not disadvantaged in the assessment of Residence Abroad. This is an important contribution to institutions' adherence to the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) Part IV. The fact that Residence Abroad takes place outside the UK does not absolve UK institutions of their duty of care and other legal obligations towards disabled students. Disabled students and potential students in the UK consequently have legal rights that are not affected simply because part of the course takes places outside the geographical boundaries of the UK.
webguide iconMaking independent language learning accessible
This handbook notifies institutions of the legal requirements to accommodate disabled persons. It provides details of issues of accessibility that self-access centres need to consider in terms of design and provision of resources as well as technological aids. The importance of these is illustrated by case studies. The handbook also contains a list of contact organisations and useful websites.