WWW2009 EPrints

Items from Developers track

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Group by: No Grouping | Creators
Number of items: 26.

A, Carlos

Camarero, Julio and A, Carlos Iglesias. A REST Architecture for Social Disaster Management.

Abou-Assaleh, Tony

Adams, Christopher and Abou-Assaleh, Tony Creating Your Own Web-Deployed Street Map Using Open Source Software and Free Data.

Hines, Jason and Abou-Assaleh, Tony Query GeoParser: A Spatial-Keyword Query Parser Using Regular Expressions.

Adams, Christopher

Adams, Christopher and Abou-Assaleh, Tony Creating Your Own Web-Deployed Street Map Using Open Source Software and Free Data.

Adcock, John

denoue, laurent and Carter, Scott and Adcock, John and Golovchinsky, Gene WebNC: efficient sharing of web applications.

Agrawal, Sanjay

Agrawal, Sanjay and Chakrabarti, Kaushik and Chaudhuri, Surajit and Ganti, Venkatesh and Konig, Arnd and Xin, Dong Query Portals.

Amatriain, Xavier

Wang, Jun and Amatriain, Xavier and Garcia Garzon, David Combining multi-level audio descriptors via web identification and aggregation.

Auer, Sören

Kobilarov, Georgi and Bizer, Chris and Auer, Sören and Lehmann, Jens DBpedia – A Linked Data Hub and Data Source for Web Applications and Enterprises.

Baumann, Peter

Baumann, Peter A Semantic Web Ready Service Language for Large-Scale Earth Science Archives.

Bisciglia, Christophe

White, Tom and Bisciglia, Christophe Web data processing with MapReduce and Hadoop.

Bizer, Chris

Kobilarov, Georgi and Bizer, Chris and Auer, Sören and Lehmann, Jens DBpedia – A Linked Data Hub and Data Source for Web Applications and Enterprises.

Bizer, Christian

Bizer, Christian and Volz, Julius and Kobilarov, Georgi and Gaedke, Martin Silk - A Link Discovery Framework for the Web of Data.

Bosamiya, Hitesh

Manjunath, Geetha and S, Thara and Bosamiya, Hitesh and Guntupalli, Santhi and Kumar, Vinay and Raman G, Ragu Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming.

Buzzi, Marina

Buzzi, Marina and Claudia Buzzi, Maria and Leporini, Barbara and Senette, Caterina Improving interaction via screen reader using ARIA: an example.

Camarero, Julio

Camarero, Julio and A, Carlos Iglesias. A REST Architecture for Social Disaster Management.

Carter, Scott

denoue, laurent and Carter, Scott and Adcock, John and Golovchinsky, Gene WebNC: efficient sharing of web applications.

Chakrabarti, Kaushik

Agrawal, Sanjay and Chakrabarti, Kaushik and Chaudhuri, Surajit and Ganti, Venkatesh and Konig, Arnd and Xin, Dong Query Portals.

Chang, Kevin

Kabra, Govind and Chang, Kevin Integration at Web-Scale: Scalable Agent Technology for Enabling Structured Vertical Search.

Chaudhuri, Surajit

Agrawal, Sanjay and Chakrabarti, Kaushik and Chaudhuri, Surajit and Ganti, Venkatesh and Konig, Arnd and Xin, Dong Query Portals.

Claudia Buzzi, Maria

Buzzi, Marina and Claudia Buzzi, Maria and Leporini, Barbara and Senette, Caterina Improving interaction via screen reader using ARIA: an example.

Crichton, Dan

McCleese, Sean and Mattmann, Chris and Raskin, Rob and Crichton, Dan and Hardman, Sean A Virtual Oceanographic Data Center.


DRAKE, Ted The Future of Vertical Search Engines with Yahoo! Boss.

De Andrés, Javier

Méndez Núñez, Sheila and Emilio Labra Gayo, Jose and De Andrés, Javier Towards a Semantic Web Environment for XBRL.

Delgado, Jaime

Torres, Víctor and Delgado, Jaime and Maroñas, Xavier and Llorente, Silvia and Gauvin, Marc A web-based rights management system for developing trusted value networks.

Emilio Labra Gayo, Jose

Méndez Núñez, Sheila and Emilio Labra Gayo, Jose and De Andrés, Javier Towards a Semantic Web Environment for XBRL.

Gaedke, Martin

Bizer, Christian and Volz, Julius and Kobilarov, Georgi and Gaedke, Martin Silk - A Link Discovery Framework for the Web of Data.

Ganti, Venkatesh

Agrawal, Sanjay and Chakrabarti, Kaushik and Chaudhuri, Surajit and Ganti, Venkatesh and Konig, Arnd and Xin, Dong Query Portals.

Garcia Garzon, David

Wang, Jun and Amatriain, Xavier and Garcia Garzon, David Combining multi-level audio descriptors via web identification and aggregation.

Gauvin, Marc

Torres, Víctor and Delgado, Jaime and Maroñas, Xavier and Llorente, Silvia and Gauvin, Marc A web-based rights management system for developing trusted value networks.

Goel, Sharad

Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake and Langford, John and Pennock, David and Reeves, Daniel CentMail: Rate Limiting via Certified Micro-Donations.

Golovchinsky, Gene

denoue, laurent and Carter, Scott and Adcock, John and Golovchinsky, Gene WebNC: efficient sharing of web applications.

Guntupalli, Santhi

Manjunath, Geetha and S, Thara and Bosamiya, Hitesh and Guntupalli, Santhi and Kumar, Vinay and Raman G, Ragu Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming.

Hall, Clint

Hall, Clint Bootstrapping Web Pages for Accessibility and Performance.

Hardman, Sean

McCleese, Sean and Mattmann, Chris and Raskin, Rob and Crichton, Dan and Hardman, Sean A Virtual Oceanographic Data Center.

Hines, Jason

Hines, Jason and Abou-Assaleh, Tony Query GeoParser: A Spatial-Keyword Query Parser Using Regular Expressions.

Hofman, Jake

Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake and Langford, John and Pennock, David and Reeves, Daniel CentMail: Rate Limiting via Certified Micro-Donations.

Humfrey, Nicholas

Sinclair, Patrick and Humfrey, Nicholas and Raimond, Yves and Scott, Tom and Smethurst, Michael Using the Web as our Content Management System on the BBC Music Beta.

Kabra, Govind

Kabra, Govind and Chang, Kevin Integration at Web-Scale: Scalable Agent Technology for Enabling Structured Vertical Search.

Kobilarov, Georgi

Kobilarov, Georgi and Bizer, Chris and Auer, Sören and Lehmann, Jens DBpedia – A Linked Data Hub and Data Source for Web Applications and Enterprises.

Bizer, Christian and Volz, Julius and Kobilarov, Georgi and Gaedke, Martin Silk - A Link Discovery Framework for the Web of Data.

Konig, Arnd

Agrawal, Sanjay and Chakrabarti, Kaushik and Chaudhuri, Surajit and Ganti, Venkatesh and Konig, Arnd and Xin, Dong Query Portals.

Kumar, Vinay

Manjunath, Geetha and S, Thara and Bosamiya, Hitesh and Guntupalli, Santhi and Kumar, Vinay and Raman G, Ragu Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming.

Langford, John

Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake and Langford, John and Pennock, David and Reeves, Daniel CentMail: Rate Limiting via Certified Micro-Donations.

Lehmann, Jens

Kobilarov, Georgi and Bizer, Chris and Auer, Sören and Lehmann, Jens DBpedia – A Linked Data Hub and Data Source for Web Applications and Enterprises.

Leporini, Barbara

Buzzi, Marina and Claudia Buzzi, Maria and Leporini, Barbara and Senette, Caterina Improving interaction via screen reader using ARIA: an example.

Llorente, Silvia

Torres, Víctor and Delgado, Jaime and Maroñas, Xavier and Llorente, Silvia and Gauvin, Marc A web-based rights management system for developing trusted value networks.

Manjunath, Geetha

Manjunath, Geetha and S, Thara and Bosamiya, Hitesh and Guntupalli, Santhi and Kumar, Vinay and Raman G, Ragu Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming.

Maroñas, Xavier

Torres, Víctor and Delgado, Jaime and Maroñas, Xavier and Llorente, Silvia and Gauvin, Marc A web-based rights management system for developing trusted value networks.

Mattmann, Chris

McCleese, Sean and Mattmann, Chris and Raskin, Rob and Crichton, Dan and Hardman, Sean A Virtual Oceanographic Data Center.

McCleese, Sean

McCleese, Sean and Mattmann, Chris and Raskin, Rob and Crichton, Dan and Hardman, Sean A Virtual Oceanographic Data Center.

Miller, Kevin

Miller, Kevin Will an easy to use language attract content experts?

Moreno-Torres, Fernando

Moreno-Torres, Fernando A new tool to improve the filtering options in advanced searching.

Méndez Núñez, Sheila

Méndez Núñez, Sheila and Emilio Labra Gayo, Jose and De Andrés, Javier Towards a Semantic Web Environment for XBRL.

Pennock, David

Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake and Langford, John and Pennock, David and Reeves, Daniel CentMail: Rate Limiting via Certified Micro-Donations.

Poulard, Philippe

Poulard, Philippe Intrusive unit testing for Web applications.

Pujol, Josep M

Pujol, Josep M and Rodriguez, Pablo Towards Distributed Social Search Engines.

Raimond, Yves

Sinclair, Patrick and Humfrey, Nicholas and Raimond, Yves and Scott, Tom and Smethurst, Michael Using the Web as our Content Management System on the BBC Music Beta.

Raman G, Ragu

Manjunath, Geetha and S, Thara and Bosamiya, Hitesh and Guntupalli, Santhi and Kumar, Vinay and Raman G, Ragu Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming.

Raskin, Rob

McCleese, Sean and Mattmann, Chris and Raskin, Rob and Crichton, Dan and Hardman, Sean A Virtual Oceanographic Data Center.

Reeves, Daniel

Goel, Sharad and Hofman, Jake and Langford, John and Pennock, David and Reeves, Daniel CentMail: Rate Limiting via Certified Micro-Donations.

Rodriguez, Pablo

Pujol, Josep M and Rodriguez, Pablo Towards Distributed Social Search Engines.

Rossel, Olivier

Rossel, Olivier The Web, Smart and fast.

S, Thara

Manjunath, Geetha and S, Thara and Bosamiya, Hitesh and Guntupalli, Santhi and Kumar, Vinay and Raman G, Ragu Creating Personal Mobile Widgets without Programming.

Scott, Tom

Sinclair, Patrick and Humfrey, Nicholas and Raimond, Yves and Scott, Tom and Smethurst, Michael Using the Web as our Content Management System on the BBC Music Beta.

Senette, Caterina

Buzzi, Marina and Claudia Buzzi, Maria and Leporini, Barbara and Senette, Caterina Improving interaction via screen reader using ARIA: an example.

Sinclair, Patrick

Sinclair, Patrick and Humfrey, Nicholas and Raimond, Yves and Scott, Tom and Smethurst, Michael Using the Web as our Content Management System on the BBC Music Beta.

Smethurst, Michael

Sinclair, Patrick and Humfrey, Nicholas and Raimond, Yves and Scott, Tom and Smethurst, Michael Using the Web as our Content Management System on the BBC Music Beta.

Sweeney, Matt

Sweeney, Matt YUI 3: Faster, Lighter, Easier.

Torres, Víctor

Torres, Víctor and Delgado, Jaime and Maroñas, Xavier and Llorente, Silvia and Gauvin, Marc A web-based rights management system for developing trusted value networks.

Volz, Julius

Bizer, Christian and Volz, Julius and Kobilarov, Georgi and Gaedke, Martin Silk - A Link Discovery Framework for the Web of Data.

Wang, Jun

Wang, Jun and Amatriain, Xavier and Garcia Garzon, David Combining multi-level audio descriptors via web identification and aggregation.

White, Tom

White, Tom and Bisciglia, Christophe Web data processing with MapReduce and Hadoop.

Xin, Dong

Agrawal, Sanjay and Chakrabarti, Kaushik and Chaudhuri, Surajit and Ganti, Venkatesh and Konig, Arnd and Xin, Dong Query Portals.

denoue, laurent

denoue, laurent and Carter, Scott and Adcock, John and Golovchinsky, Gene WebNC: efficient sharing of web applications.

This list was generated on Fri Feb 15 08:25:44 2019 GMT.

About this site

This website has been set up for WWW2009 by Christopher Gutteridge of the University of Southampton, using our EPrints software.


We (Southampton EPrints Project) intend to preserve the files and HTML pages of this site for many years, however we will turn it into flat files for long term preservation. This means that at some point in the months after the conference the search, metadata-export, JSON interface, OAI etc. will be disabled as we "fossilize" the site. Please plan accordingly. Feel free to ask nicely for us to keep the dynamic site online longer if there's a rally good (or cool) use for it... [this has now happened, this site is now static]