If you attended Hampshire Pride this year in Winchester, you will have spotted the Pulse Network in the parade! You might have even seen the discussion on Twitter during the day. For more information about what we saw at Hampshire Pride, check out our updated webpage with photos.
Join us for Hampshire Pride in Winchester 24th February
Join your network colleagues for Hampshire Pride 2018! The parade this year will start at the Winchester School of Art, with people who wish to be in the parade meeting from 1pm at WSA. The parade will kick off at 2pm and finish at the Indoor Street Festival at the market stalls on EII Court. We will be joining the SUSU LGBT+ Society, as well as the rest of the local community.
Although the event is free we’d like to have an idea of numbers, so if you’re coming along then please click on the link and register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hampshire-pride-parade-tickets-43087917120
Hopefully see you on the day!
Annual Stonewall Lecture 15th February
This year’s Southampton Stonewall Lecture will be held on Thursday 15 February from 18:00 – 19:00 at Avenue Campus and will be delivered by Professor Alison Oram, Professor of Social and Cultural History at Leeds Becket University.
How does a sense of place shape ideas of queer identity, politics and community? Drawing on the findings of the ‘Queer Beyond London’ project, this lecture explores LGBTQ life in four provincial cities since 1965.
Post reproduced from https://www.southampton.ac.uk/blog/sussed-news/2018/01/19/annual-stonewall-lecture-15-february/
Making LGBT+ inclusion visible: wearing a rainbow lanyard
February is LGBT History Month where we celebrate equality and diversity, by increasing the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other identities that differ from a heterosexual cis gender majority.
We recognise that when anyone can be themselves, they have an increased sense of wellbeing and perform better. The University community needs to embed a culture that is inclusive, and make it easy to show support for each other, by enabling a safe and friendly workplace.
“By being a supporter of the LGBT+ community, you can contribute towards a positive working environment, where collegiality is visible and helps show the University is a place where we celebrate diversity and inclusion” Sir Christopher Snowden – Vice Chancellor
Therefore, we encourage you to wear a rainbow lanyard, to show our colleagues and students that the University is inclusive.
“Wearing a rainbow lanyard is an easy way to show your support for people around you, no matter their gender or sexual identity. It helps show that the University is a safe space, where we encourage each other to be genuine” James Allen – Pulse LGBT+ Staff Network Chair
To pick one up, get in touch with your local campus rep, details of which are on the dedicated Rainbow Lanyards page.

Pulse LGBT+ Staff Network rainbow lanyard
Article reproduced from SUSSED news
LGBT+ Heritage Briefing and Network event 9th February 2018
The South East Museum Development Programme is working in partnership with the Heritage Lottery Fund and Classic Boat Museum to offer a special twilight LGBT+ Heritage Projects – Heritage Lottery Fund Briefing and Networking Event.
The event is scheduled to coincide with the launch of the Classic Boat Museum’s new display in its East Cowes Gallery about the extraordinary story of Joe Carstairs, ‘the fastest woman on water.’ The Classic Boat Museum holds a wealth of information about Joe’s time on the Isle of Wight, including trophies, albums, press cutting books and many photographs and has redeveloped its displays about Joe as part of the ‘Hidden Heroes of the Isle of Wight’ partnership project, supported with public funding by Arts Council England.
By taking part in the event, people can:
- Have a special tour of the Classic Boat Museum Gallery’s new display about Joe Carstairs.
- Find out about the Heritage Lottery Fund programmes that you can apply for projects that explore, commemorate and share the history of LGBT+ communities and their experiences.
- Hear some great examples of HLF-funded LGBT+ projects that are already happening.
- Get an update from HLF on how to access support for funding applications
- Network with others who are interested in developing LGBT+ history projects.
The event is free of charge and open to all. Full details and booking are here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lgbt-heritage-projects-heritage-lottery-fund-briefing-and-networking-event-tickets-39948734741
LGBT History Month (UPDATE)
Suggestions for LGBT History Month are coming in from Pulse Network colleagues, and we’ll be collaborating with the Student Union on some great activities! Watch this space for more information; the calendar for February 2018 will be released soon and is shaping up with something for everyone.
There’s still time if you have ideas for what you could do for LGBT History Month, so get in touch.
Pulse LGBT+ Staff Network Chair
New Year and new opportunities
Happy New Year!
I hope that you’re all recharged after the break and have the best foot forward for 2018. As we’re all probably aware, this year will bring many changes across the University, so it’s important for us to remain focused on how we can help keep our colleagues and communities together.
Your input is needed to shape and deliver what Pulse is about, and an ideal opportunity is coming up in February for LGBT History Month. Plans are in place for the Annual Stonewall Lecture – details to be released shortly for 14th Feb – and this week a meeting is happening with the Student Union to think about what events the Pulse Network can collaborate on.
So the question is, what events or activities could you make happen, or like to see for LGBT History Month?
Please get in touch by the end of this week (cop Friday 12th Jan) with your ideas, so they can be added to a calendar of events and if extra support is needed this can be agreed. You may also have other ideas for events later on this year, so again get in touch. This is our network, and your input is needed to help make it the best it can be.
See you soon,
Pulse LGBT+ Staff Network Chair
Wellbeing and self-care of Trans individuals – opportunity to take part in a study
Researchers from the University of Sheffield are inviting trans/non-binary individuals, who are over 18 years old and living in the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand to take part in a study exploring emotional experiences, wellbeing and self-care of trans people. The aim is to improve the quality of health services, in particular psychological therapies, provided to the trans population. Some of the topics discussed in the study include current and past negative experiences and feelings. This may be distressing for some people.
Participation is voluntary and anonymous. If you are eligible and choose to take part, you will be asked to complete three questionnaires, a month apart from each other. The first questionnaire will take roughly around 30 minutes to complete. The second and third will take around 15 minutes to complete. Following the link below will direct you to an information sheet and the first questionnaire.
Upon completion of all questionnaires, you can choose to enter into a prize draw of a £100 Amazon Voucher or equivalent in your currency. The prize draw will take place when all data has been collected and by no later than March 2018.
Participants will be recruited until February 2018. At the end of the study, a report of the findings and recommendations will be shared with all the associations and charities which have advertised this study.
Please follow this link to take part in the study: https://sheffieldpsychology.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cO6D118EARKsgVn
Network Winter Breakfast 6th December
Every 3 months we hold a seasonal network breakfast. The last breakfast of 2017 is taking place on 6th December, at the Staff Club on Highfield from 8am.
Come along and meet other network members – you can bring your own breakfast or purchase a cooked one on site. There may be Christmas crackers too so see you there!
International Trans Day of Remembrance
Today is International Transgender Day of Remembrance. On this day we focus and acknowledge those lost to transphobia, transphobic violence, suicide and hate crimes. There are a couple of events on campus and in Southampton which are free to attend, and open to the public:
Vigil hosted by SUSU LGBTSoc from 6.30pm at The Art House. More details can be found on their website.
Service for Trans Days of Remembrance hosted by UoS Faith and Reflection and SCM Southampton from 8pm, at the Reflection Centre. More details can be found on the event page.