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More Fat Burning More of the Time

Here's a quick idea for getting more fat burning:

if you usually spend an hour doing cardio, think about finding a way to split your workout in half so you do 30 mins at one time of day and 30 mins at the other.

Why? Double recovery!

Recovery from workout is when most of your fat burning systems come into play: it's true - breathing hard is good for you - especially if you're doing intervals (we'll talk more about those anon).

I could spend all day talking about this, but the short explanation is, that when you're breathing hard in recovery from an intense bout of exercise, the fat burning or o2 metabolism (we have three - o2 is one of three that supplies energy) really kicks in.

So, if you do two shorter but still intense - that's 50% and above VO2 max for more than 10 minutes) you get two recovery periods, and thus hit the O2 metabolism twice. In other words, less time, but more frequency in a day means more fat burning.

This option is not easy: it can be challenging enough to find one workout slot in a day. But if you want to give it a go, try it and watch the results.

Here's one more related tidbit. If you're doing intervals, and/or these dual workouts, make sure to take in fuel during but especially after the workout. THere are a ton of reasons for this, but with respect to fat burning, fat burns in the presence of carbs - carbs stoke fat burning.

This doesn't mean eat a pack of crisps. If you've only done a twenty minute work out, you don't need an energy drink designed for a 50mile road cycle trip. But frink some skim milk, or eat some nuts and raisins, or dried fruit and some low or non-fat cheese: that's carbs mixed with protein and that's perfect.

I admit i'm addicted to energy drinks like cytomax and endurox (do NOT go near gatorade: it's crap) that let me blend carbs and proteins for during and post workout fast energy replacements, but there are a number of studies that say eating real food with the right balance is better for you than these concoctions. Before i get onto the joy of supplements like protein powder and beta alanine i'll just quit with the final reminder to keep drinking water.

Next time: why breakfast is critical before a workout

closing question: what do you do for your workout? how do you stay motivated?


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