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And just in case you need dessert for New Years parties

I've just found a free ref for some great desert/treat ideas that may just be the icing on the cake, as it were, for a new year's soiree - especially if you want to take "something" to the affair.

The recipes include

  • peach mango cobbler
  • chocolate ricotta
  • poached pear with raspberries
  • mixed berry pudding
  • tuscan strawberry meringue
  • lemon cheesecake
  • mixed nut cookies
  • lemon blueberry bites
  • chocolate hazelnut bites
  • raspberry peach granola
  • peanut butter cookies
  • cheese blintzes
  • apricot yogurt parfait
  • apple cinnamon tortilla cups
  • chocolate cheesecake

And if afterwards, you're thinking about your resolutions and goals for your diet in the new year - like packing your own healthy lunch three times a week - these "free ref for some great desert/treat ideas" can help you gird your loins for the task ahead.

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