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Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2006
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[IEEE] [Uni. of Soton] [BMVA]


All bursaries have now been allocated.

Bursaries supporting full registration and standard accommodation are available on a first-come first-served basis to support attendance at Face and Gesture Recognition 2006. Given the EPSRC support, priority will be given to UK applicants and those presenting papers; international applications are not debarred from these bursaries. So far, 3 bursaries have been awarded and there are more available.

To apply for a bursary, you need to send us two items:

  1. A letter from your supervisor supporting your application and confirming your status as a bona fide full-time student;
  2. A letter from yourself stating why you need bursary support and giving the reference of your submission for FG2006, stating submission number and title.

Fax these two items to 44 (0) 2380 594498

or send them by surface mail to:

FG2006 Registration
c/o Sandy Wilkins
ISIS, School of ECS
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK

Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems research group
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 023 8059 3813     Fax +44 023 8059 4498