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Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2006
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[IEEE] [Uni. of Soton] [BMVA]

Paper Presentations

Oral presentations

By the conference schedule, each oral presentation will have around 20 minutes in total for presentation and questions. There will be a data projector and an overhead projector.

Poster presentations

According to your poster session there will be at least an hour to present your poster. As the conference is getting very popular, it is now unlikely that there will be display space available until later in the conference (unless you have specifically already arranged a demonstration). The posterboard size will be 1.83m (high) * 0.914m (wide) [6' * 3']. You should set up your poster at the start of the day and be near it during the poster sessions.

Poster highlight sessions

There will be short sessions highlighting some, but not all, of the posters to be presented. The posters to be highlighted have been notified by email of their selection. The highlight session will be a series of short oral presentations, of 3 slides/ 3 minutes maximum. Those presenting a poster highlight should bring a memory stick or a CD, containing their Powerpoint talk, to the registration desk by 09.25 a.m., on the day of their highlight session, and conference staff will transfer it to a laptop to be used during the poster highlight session.

Demonstrations, Monday and Wednesday

One table and power socket will be provided for each demonstration but demonstrators must provide their own laptop. Wireless internet access should be available.

Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems research group
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 023 8059 3813     Fax +44 023 8059 4498