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Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2006
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[IEEE] [Uni. of Soton] [BMVA]

Conference Registration

Details on conference registration opening times are amongst the arrival information.

To register, (1) Register for FG2006 online.
(2) Print out a Printable Version of your completed registration form.
(3) Complete a payment form: .doc; .pdf; .ps.
(4) Fax (2) and (3) to 44 (0) 2380 594498

or send them by surface mail to:

FG2006 Registration
c/o Sandy Wilkins
ISIS, School of ECS
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK


To request invitations for the conference (for visa applications etc) or acceptance letters, email with your details (for invitation) or paper title, author list and contact address (for acceptance letter)

Registration Details

All prices are inclusive of tax.

Conference Fees
Early Discount Rate
(before 30 January 2006)
Standard Rate
Full Rate GBP 320 GBP 350
Student Rate GBP 230 GBP 260

Full registration includes conference banquet and a copy of the Proceedings;
student registration is for the conference only, without banquet or Proceedings

Over-Page Charge GBP 100 per page (exceeding 6 pages)

Additional Conference Banquet Tickets GBP 70 per ticket

Additional Proceedings GBP 70 per ticket

Accommodation (must be booked by 20 March)
Highfield Hall en-suite Full
Highfield Hall standard GBP 165
Hilton Hotel GPB 297

Only standard rooms are now available, as all en-suite rooms have been booked. Rooms are available at Highfield Hall on the University of Southampton campus from Sunday 9 April to Tuesday 11 April inclusive. The rates include the 3 nights accommodation, all breakfasts and evening meal on Monday 10th April. The rooms are single occupancy and must be booked by 27 March. For any queries on accommodation, please contact Sandy Wilkins (
A special rate (�99/night) has been negotiated at the Hilton International, Southampton, which is a short taxi journey from the University Campus. This rate is for the 3 nights from Sunday 9 April to Tuesday 11 April inclusive, and includes breakfast. The Hilton is full international with all usual facilities. Hilton rooms must be booked by 10 March.

By submitting the registration for you agree to be bound by the conference cancellation policy.

Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems research group
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 023 8059 2929     Fax +44 023 8059 4498