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LLAS Event

llasevent iconTeaching languages in Higher Education
Event date: 21 May, 2009
Location: CILT, the National Centre for Languages, London
llasevent iconThe origin of local Sussex place names (6 Dec 06)
Event date: 6 December, 2006
Location: University of Brighton
llasevent iconRough guide to MFL postgraduate research (20 Nov 06)
Event date: 20 November, 2006
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconTeaching sociolinguistics to undergraduates (16 Nov 06)
Event date: 16 November, 2006
Location: Institute for Advanced Studies, Lancaster University
llasevent iconArea Studies and the globalised world (27 Feb 07)
Event date: 27 February, 2007
Location: British Library Conference Centre, London
llasevent iconSupporting primary MFL through videoconferencing (16 June 06)
Event date: 16 June, 2006
Location: University of East Anglia
llasevent iconSupporting students' learning in ML (8 June 06)
Event date: 8 June, 2006
Location: University of Westminster
llasevent icone-Portfolios (16 June 06, Coventry)
Event date: 16 June, 2006
Location: Coventry University
llasevent icone-Portfolios (16 May 06, Manchester)
Event date: 16 May, 2006
Location: University of Manchester
llasevent iconPragmatics and intercultural communication (27 Mar 06)
Event date: 27 March, 2006
Location: The British Council, London
llasevent iconInternational students (9 June 06, Sheffield)
Event date: 9 June, 2006
Location: Sheffield Hallam University
llasevent iconInternational students (28 Apr 06, Southampton)
Event date: 28 April, 2006
Location: New College, University of Southampton
llasevent iconStarting out in the HE languages department (10 Nov 05)
Event date: 10 November, 2005
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconTeaching translation (20 Jan 06)
Event date: 20 January, 2006
Location: Callaghan Lecture Theatre, James Callaghan Building, University of Wales, Swansea
llasevent iconSharing good practice in teaching Area Studies (14 Nov 05)
Event date: 14 November, 2005
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconPDP, skill development and learning support (11 Nov 05)
Event date: 11 November, 2005
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconRoutes into reading (20 Oct 05)
Event date: 20 October, 2005
Location: Room 329 and 330, School of Advanced Study, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street
llasevent iconLess Widely Used and Lesser Taught Languages (11 May 05)
Event date: 11 May, 2005
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconTips and tricks for teaching Linguistics with technology (17 Feb 2005)
Event date: 17 February, 2005
Location: CILT,
llasevent iconThe future of Phonetics (25 Feb 2005)
Event date: 25 February, 2005
Location: CILT,
llasevent iconTeaching Globalisation (18 Apr 05)
Event date: 18 April, 2005
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconApplied Linguistics and the teaching of English and Modern Languages (19 Jan 05)
Event date: 19 January, 2005
Location: Abden House, Pollock Halls, University of Edinburgh
llasevent iconDisciplinary identity of Area Studies (29 Nov 2004)
Event date: 29 November, 2004
Location: CILT,
llasevent iconMaking sense of copyright (24 Nov 2004)
Event date: 24 November, 2004
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconPedagogical research methods (26 Feb 2003)
Event date: 26 February, 2003
Location: CILT,
llasevent iconLinguistics in Applied Linguistics MA programmes (24 May 2004)
Event date: 24 May, 2004
Location: CILT,
llasevent iconModern Languages and the development of student criticality (28 May 2004)
Event date: 28 May, 2004
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconScotland, languages in higher education (18 March 04)
Event date: 18 March, 2004
Location: Scottish CILT, Management Centre, University of Stirling
llasevent iconEnglish language and linguistics: from 'A' to BA (31 Oct 2003)
Event date: 31 October, 2003
Location: CILT,
llasevent iconDeveloping materials (27 Feb 2004)
Event date: 27 February, 2004
Location: CILT,
llasevent iconIALIC/Subject Centre Pedagogical Forum (16 Dec 2003)
Event date: 16 December, 2003
Location: George Fox Building, Lancaster University
llasevent iconTeaching philosophy and social theory in Area Studies (4 Feb 2004)
Event date: 4 February, 2004
Location: Scottish CILT
llasevent iconSelling Languages: Challenges and solutions (12 Nov 2003)
Event date: 10 November, 2003
Location: The Women's Library, London Metropolitan University
llasevent iconImplications of the HE White paper
Event date: 21 May, 2003
Location: School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
llasevent iconInterdisciplinarity and inter-cultural learning in Area Studies curricula
Event date: 6 May, 2003
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconWeb-based learning and teaching for languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (Beginners)
Event date: 30 March, 2001
Location: Unversity of Westminster
llasevent iconIdentifying, teaching and assessing key skills in Linguistics
Event date: 23 May, 2003
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconEthnography for Language Learners
Event date: 16 November, 2000
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconResidence Abroad for Non-Linguists
Event date: 24 November, 2000
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconTeaching Grammar: Perspectives on Language Learning in Higher Education
Event date: 18 January, 2001
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconCreating Web-based Resources
Event date: 6 April, 2001
Location: C&IT Centre, Hull
llasevent iconLanguages and Curriculum 2000: implications for Higher Education
Event date: 19 October, 2001
Location: British Academy, London
llasevent iconUsing Language Portfolios
Event date: 1 November, 2001
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconTeaching Linguistics to Students of Foreign Languages
Event date: 7 December, 2001
Location: Salford University
llasevent iconNew Directions in Languages: the UK and Europe
Event date: 1 February, 2002
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconArea Studies: Developing Marketing Strategies
Event date: 13 March, 2002
Location: British Academy, London
llasevent iconAssessment Tools and Interoperability
Event date: 19 March, 2002
Location: University of Hull
llasevent iconLanguages marketing and recruitment
Event date: 15 March, 2002
Location: British Academy, London
