LLAS Event

Event date: 15 February, 2012
Location: MHG15 Main House, Bath Spa University

Event date: 9 June, 2006
Location: Sheffield Hallam University

Event date: 28 April, 2006
Location: New College, University of Southampton

Event date: 27 April, 2005
Location: University of Portsmouth

Event date: 20 April, 2005
Location: Park Campus, University College Northampton
Materials Bank Item

These videos are designed to be used either in the classroom or for self-study. The video deals with the basic structure of an academic presentation including useful words and phrases, signposting, the use of notes vs. reading from a script, the importance of key content words.

This sample of online learning materials introduces and practises some important English language skills needed by international students planning to study at a British university.

The aims of these materials is to raise awareness of university life in the UK, to raise awareness of key study tasks and to provide listening and note-taking practice. The course consists of four short modules, each featuring a key study task: writing essays, understanding lectures, participating in seminars and tutorials, and reading/research skills.

This paper is a presentation of 'English for Excellence' (EfE): a web-based and tutor-supported programme of study in Academic English. The EfE is a project initiative jointly funded by the University of Luton and the Higher Education European Social Fund (HE ESF) programme, under the theme of Widening Participation. The paper discusses the research base of the teaching materials, their content and presentation, followed by interim evaluation results of its beneficiary effects on learners.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.