LLAS Event

llasevent iconCANCELLED - Creating a digital presence: sharing and publishing your teaching resources online
Event date: 23 September, 2011
Location: The Language Space, University College London, 1-4 Malet Place, London, WC1E 7JE
llasevent iconUsing tools effectively for creating online teaching resources
Event date: 22 September, 2011
Location: The Language Space, University College London, 1-4 Malet Place, London, WC1E 7JE
llasevent iconApproaches to e-Learning
Event date: 21 September, 2011
Location: The Language Space, University College London, 1-4 Malet Place, London, WC1E 7JE
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 20 May, 2011
Location: Wolfson Suite, Harold Cohen Library, University of Liverpool (no 431 on campus map, gridline D8))
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research in languages, linguistics and area studies (Stage 2)
Event date: 4 March, 2011
Location: Woburn House Conference Centre, 20 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research in languages, linguistics and area studies (Stage 1)
Event date: 3 March, 2011
Location: Woburn House Conference Centre, 20 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ
llasevent iconRESCHEDULED FROM 1/12/10 - The LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 19 January, 2011
Location: Irvine Building, University of St Andrews
llasevent iconOpen educational resources in the disciplines: a joint academy subject strand conference
Event date: 26 October, 2010
Location: The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), 66 Portland Place, London
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 14 January, 2011
Location: University of Durham, Room 150 (entrance no.1, first floor), Elvet Riverside Building (no 25) on map
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 13 October, 2010
Location: Room: H104 in Hirwaun building, registration in H213 of the same building, Treforest Campus, University of Glamorgan
llasevent iconExperiments in OERs for the future: re-using and re-mixing in the lifecycle of a resource
Event date: 13 July, 2010
Location: Building 25, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 21 June, 2010
Location: Language Lab 0/11, Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 20 April, 2010
Location: Wolverhampton Science Park, Wolverhampton, West Midlands
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research in languages, linguistics and area studies (Stage 1)
Event date: 4 March, 2010
Location: Woburn House Conference Centre, 20 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HQ
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research in languages, linguistics and area studies (Stage 2)
Event date: 5 March, 2010
Location: Woburn House Conference Centre, 20 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HQ
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 21 October, 2009
Location: Tower Building, Perth Road, IT Lab Tower, IT Suite B (in the basement of the Tower)
llasevent icon6 Ps in Podcast: planning, production, pedagogy, participation, positioning, publishing (London)
Event date: 11 September, 2008
Location: King's College London, Open Learning Centre, K-1.07-2, First basement, Strand building
llasevent icon6 Ps in Podcast: planning, production, pedagogy, participation, positioning, publishing (Portsmouth)
Event date: 26 June, 2008
Location: University of Portsmouth, Park Building, School of Languages and Area Studies, rooms 2.07, 3.14, 3.15 and 3.16
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
Event date: 8 May, 2008
Location: University of Glasgow (Melville Room)
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research (6 February 08)
Event date: 6 February, 2008
Location: Room 2B, ULU, University of London, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY
llasevent iconStage 2: Methods for pedagogic research (7 February 08)
Event date: 7 February, 2008
Location: Room 2B, ULU, University of London, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY
llasevent iconStage 2: Methods for pedagogic research (22 May 07)
Event date: 22 May, 2007
Location: Senate House, Malet Street, University of London
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research (Dundee, 16 May 07)
Event date: 16 May, 2007
Location: University of Dundee
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research (London, 2 May 07)
Event date: 2 May, 2007
Location: Senate House, Malet Street, University of London
llasevent iconPedagogy and translation (26 Jan 07)
Event date: 26 January, 2007
Location: University of Salford
llasevent iconLinking teaching and research (10 July 07)
Event date: 10 July, 2007
Location: Avenue Campus, University of Southampton
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research (17 May 06)
Event date: 17 May, 2006
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research (9 Feb 06)
Event date: 9 February, 2006
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconIntroduction to methods for pedagogic research (17 June 05)
Event date: 17 June, 2005
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconApplied Linguistics and the teaching of English and Modern Languages (19 Jan 05)
Event date: 19 January, 2005
Location: Abden House, Pollock Halls, University of Edinburgh
llasevent iconIALIC/Subject Centre Pedagogical Forum (13 Nov 2004)
Event date: 13 November, 2004
Location: Dublin City University, Republic of Ireland
llasevent iconPedagogical research methods (26 Feb 2003)
Event date: 26 February, 2003
Location: CILT,
llasevent iconExtending good practice in LWULT languages (20 Feb 2004)
Event date: 20 February, 2004
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconIALIC/Subject Centre Pedagogical Forum (16 Dec 2003)
Event date: 16 December, 2003
Location: George Fox Building, Lancaster University


News item

news iconMultimedia Lab Teaching Awards 2009/2010

The Centre for Excellence in Multimedia Language Learning (CEMLL) invites proposals for the development of projects that facilitate language teaching and learning in a multimedia laboratory.

news iconResearch projects: Call for expressions of interest
The Higher Education Academy wishes to support evidence-based approaches to policy and practice and to pursue a scholarly, research-driven agenda to improve the quality of the student experience. One objective within this general aim is to promote and set up research programmes on key themes. The Academy Research Projects scheme constitute one activity to meet this objective.
news iconCall for proposals: Pedagogic Research Fund 2005/06 (Phase 2)
The Subject Centre has funds to support a second round of Pedagogical Research mini-projects in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies in Higher Education. UK Higher Education Institutions are eligible to apply for up to a maximum of £4000 to support a small-scale project to commence by 1 February 2005 and ending by 31 January 2006.
news iconRethinking pedagogical models for e-learning
This questionnaire is part of a research project based at the University of Sheffield, funded by the Subject Centre. The project is exploring the methodological and pedagogical implications of the developments of new technologies, focusing in particular on existing forms of e-learning, in the areas of Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. The aim of the project is to compile a 'map' detailing the provision of e-learning, in order to highlight effective practice and further developmental needs.


paper iconPedagogic research: Issues in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
This article outlines issues about the status and nature of pedagogic research in the present intellectual and evaluative environment of Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.
paper iconLATCOF: Lessons from a secondary/sixth-form - HE consultative forum for language teachers
The University of Manchester has hosted a forum for dialogue between tertiary and secondary language teachers to share pedagogic and curricular experiences and realities with the aim of facilitating student progression and bridging the secondary-tertiary 'gaps'. Participants have been surveyed to assess the impact of the dialogue process on them and their practice and to start to identify issues of broader relevance to the sector as a whole. This paper reports the experience of participants and responses to the survey.
paper iconTeachers' roles and training in intercultural education
Foreign language degree programmes have been engaged, more than ever, in an active dialogue with other disciplines. In addition, these programmes can now be delivered in various environments. These recent developments have enhanced the learning experience, but they have also highlighted important implications for the roles and responsibilities of foreign language teachers. Here the authors summarise their investigation into the extent to which new approaches to foreign language teaching have had an impact on current established models of teacher education, and in particular, on how effectively the intercultural agenda has been incorporated in language teacher education programmes.
paper iconSetting the context, highlighting the importance: Reflections on interculturality and pedagogy
This is a report on the IALIC/Subject Centre Pedagogical Forum on "Intercultural Lessons: Locating the intercultural in an educational context". It highlights the importance of interculturality in pedagogy. It addresses how teachers are developing curricula and unpacking learning moments which challenge students to reflect critically on their own lived experience. The classroom should be the place where both cognitive and affective challenge materializes, and where both teachers and learners can take the opportunity to reflect on one's response. The Forum, too, was a space for reflection and challenge, and a valued opportunity for the exploration of interculturality and pedagogy.
paper iconJustifying selected uses of the learners first language in the foreign language classroom within communicative language teaching

The main objectives of the paper are: to contribute to the current methodological debate about the use of the learners' first language in foreign language teaching; to base the discussion on the examination of teacher classroom practices; to advocate the introduction of a controlled use of L1 in the foreign language classroom, through a careful consideration of variables such as materials and linguistic targets.

paper iconMono- and multilingual reading circles

This paper aims to: describe the research and findings; explore issues around this type of task in HE; describe a small-scale research project to encourage students to read and discuss extensively outside class time.

paper iconSpanish students in British universities: developing a support resource to improve their academic writing skills

A substantial number of Spanish students enter British universities each year. Those students, like other international students, have to adapt not only to a new academic environment, but also to a new culture and a new way of communicating in a language that is not their native one. This piece of PhD research has analysed the difficulties that Spanish students have to face when studying in higher education in Britain.

paper iconText Modification in Foreign Language Teaching

The key points to the paper: introduction: research in progress; the importance of reading comprehension; authentic vs. modified: previous studies; criteria for modifications; preparations for the first experiment; conclusions so far.

paper iconUsing the Virtual Campus for language learning: A case study in pedagogical and practical approach to using ICT

This paper considers the ways in which a learning platform can be used for language classes within the higher education context. The platform, the Virtual Campus, incorporates a number of features and facilities including the use of the multimedia platform for final year French materials, and the discussion lists for second-year students of English as a Foreign Language. In an attempt to explore possible ways in which information and communications technology (ICT) could be used in an innovative manner in the final level French classes, a research project was piloted at the University of Lincoln (formerly the University of Lincolnshire and Humberside) in 2000-2001.

Web Guide (GPG)

webguide iconTask-based learning
Tasks have a major role within language pedagogy, for educational as well as linguistic reasons. Courses studying task-based learning tend to explore the topic in terms of five major themes - the basis for using tasks; empirical research into tasks; in terms of socio-cultural and cognitive approaches; tasks and interpersonal engagements; tasks and tests; and task complexity. The entry summarises the range of teaching procedures that can be used to study the topic.
webguide iconDesign of a pedagogic grammar
The main elements which influence the design of a pedagogic grammar are the audience (first language background, level of existing knowledge, knowledge of terminology), linguistic theory and learning theory.
webguide iconWWW-based stylistics teaching
This paper describes the development of an interactive, learning should be fun, WWW-based introductory undergraduate course in stylistics and a pedagogical experiment to be undertaken involving the course. The WWW-based course is itself derived from a more traditional lecture-seminar course and the aim is to compare student reactions to, and performance on, the two different versions of the course. The pedagogical principles underlying the two versions of the course are discussed, as well as the design of the experiment. Stylistics teachers in other HE institutions are invited to take part in the pedagogical experiment.
webguide iconEducation and linguistics
This article considers the relationship between linguistics and education. It outlines the key differences between the two disciplines, briefly summarises the history of linguistics within Education teaching in HE, and lists the ways in which linguistics informs both general educational practice, and the methodology of teaching languages.