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LLAS Event

llasevent iconTeach for Success: supporting international students in the classroom
Event date: 15 February, 2012
Location: MHG15 Main House, Bath Spa University
llasevent iconLanguage Futures: Languages in Higher Education conference 2012
Event date: 5 July, 2012 - 6 July, 2012
Location: John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh
llasevent iconPreparing for success: supporting international students in the disciplines
Event date: 12 November, 2010
Location: Wide Lane Sports Grounds, Wide Lane, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 5PE
llasevent iconSupporting international students: staff development training
Event date: 18 April, 2008
Location: Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London
llasevent iconInternational students (9 June 06, Sheffield)
Event date: 9 June, 2006
Location: Sheffield Hallam University
llasevent iconInternational students (28 Apr 06, Southampton)
Event date: 28 April, 2006
Location: New College, University of Southampton

News item

news iconShaping the future of languages in higher education : WEBSITE NOW LAUNCHED
In October 2009 HEFCE published a review of Modern Foreign Languages provision in higher education in England authored by Professor Michael Worton, Vice-Provost, University College London. In response to the report HEFCE funded a project (led by UCML in partnership with LLAS, AULC and CILT) which explored some of the key recommendations for languages made in the report and produce online tools and resources to support senior managers in HEIs in shaping the future of modern languages in higher education.
news iconInvitation to tender: Teaching and Learning of International Students (TALIS) Project Director

The Higher Education Academy is tendering to contract an individual to lead in the establishment and ongoing development of the TALIS project in association with the Prime Minister's Initiative and UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA).

news iconPrime Minister's Initiative for International Education: Pilot Project Awards Scheme 2006
UKCOSA: The Council for International Education have announced £50,000 of funding available from the PMI-funded Pilot Project Awards Scheme. The aim of this scheme is to develop and publicise examples of best practice and innovation in improving the international student experience for the UK education sector as a whole. Institutions are invited to submit proposals for projects which they will pilot, and then write up for dissemination to other institutions.
news iconInternationalisation of the curriculum and support for international students
As part of our programme of activity on the internationalisation of higher education the Higher Education Academy has commissioned a literature review and is putting out a call for case studies of practice in the areas of internationalisation of the curriculum and support for international students.

Materials Bank Item

matbank iconSupporting international students in UK Higher Education: a course for staff

These materials are a course pack commissioned by the Subject Centre for use by education developers (workshop mode) or by individual staff (online mode). The materials provide reflective activities designed to engage teachers with some of the key issues in working with international students and practical ideas for ways in which these can be addressed. They will be of particular interest to new staff or anyone new to working with international students. Learning outcomes include; increased awareness of areas of the UK learning experience that may present challenges for international students, Strategies for improving the learning experience of international students.

matbank iconAcademic presentations: teaching presentation skills to foreign students

These videos are designed to be used either in the classroom or for self-study. The video deals with the basic structure of an academic presentation including useful words and phrases, signposting, the use of notes vs. reading from a script, the importance of key content words.

matbank iconEAP: University Challenge: a short orientation and listening course for international students
The aims of these materials is to raise awareness of university life in the UK, to raise awareness of key study tasks and to provide listening and note-taking practice. The course consists of four short modules, each featuring a key study task: writing essays, understanding lectures, participating in seminars and tutorials, and reading/research skills.

Web Guide (GPG)

webguide iconInside-out: Student criticism of "foreign experts" in universities in the P.R.C.
The article through its use of critical incidents provides stimulating case study material for TEFL/TESOL teacher education programmes. The paper brings together three key issues: the underlying concept of 'communicative competence and Communicative Language Teaching, the status of English as a lingua franca and the debates related to linguistic imperialism, and lastly the nature of teacher education and what are relevant and appropriate skills within this field for practitioners.


paper iconSpanish students in British universities: developing a support resource to improve their academic writing skills

A substantial number of Spanish students enter British universities each year. Those students, like other international students, have to adapt not only to a new academic environment, but also to a new culture and a new way of communicating in a language that is not their native one. This piece of PhD research has analysed the difficulties that Spanish students have to face when studying in higher education in Britain.