LLAS Event

Event date: 7 November, 2012
Location: Room 2151, Blg 65, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton

Event date: 29 June, 2012
Location: Room 2151, Blg 65, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton

Event date: 23 May, 2012
Location: Room 2151, Blg 65, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton

Event date: 23 September, 2011
Location: The Language Space, University College London, 1-4 Malet Place, London, WC1E 7JE

Event date: 23 January, 2012
Location: G77A & MultiMedia Centre, School of Modern Languages, University of Bristol, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TE

Event date: 8 November, 2011
Location: The Open Learning Centre, King's Building (marked A), Strand Campus, King's College London

Event date: 2 November, 2011
Location: Room 156 (entrance no. 1, first floor) Elvet Riverside Building (no. 25), Durham University, DH1 3JT

Event date: 22 September, 2011
Location: The Language Space, University College London, 1-4 Malet Place, London, WC1E 7JE

Event date: 21 September, 2011
Location: The Language Space, University College London, 1-4 Malet Place, London, WC1E 7JE

Event date: 20 May, 2011
Location: Wolfson Suite, Harold Cohen Library, University of Liverpool (no 431 on campus map, gridline D8))

Event date: 19 January, 2011
Location: Irvine Building, University of St Andrews

Event date: 26 October, 2010
Location: The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), 66 Portland Place, London

Event date: 14 January, 2011
Location: University of Durham, Room 150 (entrance no.1, first floor), Elvet Riverside Building (no 25) on map

Event date: 13 October, 2010
Location: Room: H104 in Hirwaun building, registration in H213 of the same building, Treforest Campus, University of Glamorgan

Event date: 13 July, 2010
Location: Building 25, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton

Event date: 21 June, 2010
Location: Language Lab 0/11, Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University

Event date: 20 April, 2010
Location: Wolverhampton Science Park, Wolverhampton, West Midlands

Event date: 21 October, 2009
Location: Tower Building, Perth Road, IT Lab Tower, IT Suite B (in the basement of the Tower)

Event date: 14 May, 2009
Location: George Eliot 219 (ICAN) (pdf), Clifton Campus, Nottingham Trent University
News item

LLAS has been funded by JISC to lead The FAVOR project (Finding a voice through open resources). This project will showcase the excellent and often unrecognised work of part-time language tutors in HE and engage them in publishing open resources and creating activities designed to enhance the student experience.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.