As part of Week Six we are today concentrating on answering questions raised on Week One. As a starting point Simon and I have created a video.
We have also added a video by Katherine where she introduces her research at Ostia and how it relates to Portus.
We have also added some additional cross-references to Hadrian's Wall course both on the platform and on the blog for those of you who are registered on both.
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On the last run of the course we cross-referenced it to the Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets course and also to the Roman Architecture course. This time we have provided some suggested links between the Portus and Hadrian's Wall courses. These links are reciprocal so, for example, if you are learning about Geophysical Prospection on the Portus course there is a link at the bottom that takes you to the Seeing beneath the soil step on Hadrian's Wall.
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I have become fascinated with the ways in which we all imagine the site of Portus today and as it was in the past. When we have time we are going to undertake some rigorous formal analyses of the language uses on the Archaeology of Portus course - it provides an extraordinary insight into the prevailing understanding of the Roman past, at least as represented by our learners, and also of the impact of particular learning materials on this.
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It has been a busy journey from looking at the whole Roman Empire in the Claudian period to thinking last week about the later second century hinterland of Portus. Eleonora has posted a summary of the topics in Italian on the Italian version of this blog. As ever you can contact her via twitter or posting comments on the blog.
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On the Italian version of this post I have provide a brief summary of the activities for week two. Feel free to post any queries in Italian to me via twitter.
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Once again Eleonora has translated the summaries of the week one activities into Italian in order to support sharing of the course via Italian social media. As discussed previously the course itself runs in English and it is not possible to moderate the posts on the FL platform in English and Italian. This would require Italian speakers on the FutureLearn platform which is monitored 24 hours a day.
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I’m Adam Warren, a learning designer at Southampton University’s Centre for Innovation in Technologies and Education, and over the past six months I’ve worked alongside Simon, Graeme, Dragana, Peter and the rest of the team to help them develop the course.
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