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LLAS Event

llasevent iconLife and work in academia: event for new and aspiring lecturers in languages, linguistics and area studies
Event date: 12 April, 2012
Location: Conference Aston, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET
llasevent iconTeaching languages in Higher Education
Event date: 21 May, 2009
Location: CILT, the National Centre for Languages, London
llasevent iconSupporting international students: staff development training
Event date: 18 April, 2008
Location: Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London
llasevent iconLife and work in academia: an event for new lecturers
Event date: 15 April, 2008
Location: Clare College, Cambridge
llasevent iconInterpersonal skills across cultures (21 June 06)
Event date: 21 June, 2006
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconInterpersonal skills across cultures (19 Apr 06)
Event date: 19 April, 2006
Location: Nottingham Trent University, Dice Building - City Site, Room SR1
llasevent iconConference 2006: Crossing frontiers (6-7 July 06)
Event date: 6 July, 2006 - 7 July, 2006
Location: Cardiff University
llasevent iconNetworking day for departmental administrators (8 Feb 2005)
Event date: 8 February, 2005
Location: University of Leeds

News item

news icon'Workshops to Go': Call for Bids 2007/8 - deadline extended

Proposals are invited for this year’s Workshop to Go programme. Workshops dealing with key themes for this year include assessment, supporting new staff and engaging with employers will be particularly welcome. The successful applicant will be required to produce a training pack and run two regional training sessions for HE staff. Participants at the workshop will then be expected to 'cascade' the training within their institutions.

news iconLinking teaching and disciplinary research: Case studies of effective practice in the disciplines
Call for case studies: The Higher Education Academy Supporting New Academic Staff (SNAS) project is seeking case studies. Every submission is automatically included in a prize draw for a £50 Amazon voucher.
news iconCascading good practice: 'Workshop to go' project, 2007

The Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies is inviting bids to develop training packs for enhancing staff and students in the relevant subject areas. The successful applicant will be required to produce a training pack and run two regional training sessions for HE staff. Participants at the workshop will then be expected to 'cascade' the training within their institutions.


paper iconTeachers' roles and training in intercultural education
Foreign language degree programmes have been engaged, more than ever, in an active dialogue with other disciplines. In addition, these programmes can now be delivered in various environments. These recent developments have enhanced the learning experience, but they have also highlighted important implications for the roles and responsibilities of foreign language teachers. Here the authors summarise their investigation into the extent to which new approaches to foreign language teaching have had an impact on current established models of teacher education, and in particular, on how effectively the intercultural agenda has been incorporated in language teacher education programmes.


Web Guide (GPG)

webguide iconDeveloping Computer Skills

Focusing on the IT skills required increasingly of staff in areas of administration, research and classroom practice, this article distinguishes generic core skills from those required in more specialist situations (such as applied language study and areas of linguistics). A number of key sources of information and training are given, together with a brief review of forms of certification. Best practice is seen as knowing how to define clearly the skills one needs to develop and, having aquired a new capability, being able to show that one can use it effectively.

webguide iconTraining the trainer: staff development for language teaching
Support for the professional development of full-time staff teaching languages in higher education is poor, particularly because universities' initial training programmes tend to be exclusively generic. Furthermore, most academics' expertise is in non-language areas and there is no real culture of language pedagogy. The DELPHI programme offers a completely free online distance-learning programme in language teacher development, suitable for all university teaching contexts.
webguide iconLanguage advising
There is a well developed educational argument (examined elsewhere in the Good Practice Guide) which considers independent learning a desirable goal of Higher Education.The shift in language learning from a teacher-led to a more learner-centred approach and the increased use of a variety of media and technologies has required a repositioning of the teacher and a reappraisal of the teachers skills. Within this context a new professional role, distinct from the teacher, has emerged. Terms such as facilitator, mentor, counsellor, adviser, helper, learner support officer and consultant have been used to characterise such role and identify differences in skills and functions with the teaching profession.This article focuses on the skills and practices of language advising.

Materials Bank Item

matbank iconTeacher training: Development of Postgraduate and Language Assistants (DOPLA)
Staff development materials specifically for the training of Postgraduate Teaching Assistants and Foreign Language Assistants, but which can be used for the staff development of any language teaching staff who are new to the profession.