Title and Details
9 May 2002 Thursday
See Details
University of Southampton
Finite Element Workshop Southampton (FEWS)
10:00am - 16:00,
Education Lecture Theatre, Building 34
Guest Speaker: Prof Nigel Weatherill, Univ. of Wales, Swansea
[Details & Programme]
04 April 2002
Ben Hiett
High Performance Computing
University of Southampton
Thu, 14:00-14:30, Seminar Room 1:
Application of finite element methods to photonic crystal modelling.
- [Webpage]
24 January
Several Speakers
Antycip UK
University of Southampton
Visualisation Day / Workshop 9:45 - 16:00
Visual Simulation Technologies
- [Programme]
18 May 2001
Dr. David Anthony
University of Southampton
The passive and active optimisation of a 2-D space structure
- [Details]
11 May 2001
Prof. Roy Chantrell
Department of Physics
University of Durham
--- postponed ---
20 April 2001
Dr. Denis Nicole
Dr. Simon Cox
High Performance Computing
University of Southampton
GRID Forum (16:30):
Technologies for the GRID: A debate
- [Details]
28 March 2001
Ben Hiett
High Performance Computing
University of Southampton
Wed, 13:00, Seminar Room 1:
Finite Element Modelling of Photonic Crystals
- [Details]
- [Webpage]
23 March 2001
Matthew Addis
Mike Surridge
IT Innovation
GRID Forum (16:30):
The GRID: A Three-Layer Can of Worms
- [Details]
- [Webpage]
23 February 2001
Prof. John Darlington
Parallel Computing Centre
Imperial College, London
GRID Forum (16:30):
Software environments for developing federated computational communities
9 February 2001
Dr. Guy Lonsdale
Mr. Hidehiro Fujio
C&C Laboratories, NEC Europe St. Augustin, Germany
A brief overview of activities at CCRLE
An expandable and flexible software generation
environment for the finite element method
- [Details]
09 February 2001
Prof. Nigel Shadbolt
Prof. David De Roure
IAM Group
Southampton University
GRID Forum (16:30):
The Knowledge Grid (Prof. Shadbolt)
The Information Grid (Prof. De Roure)
- [Details]
26 January 2001
Prof. Martin Berzins
Computational PDES Unit
University of Leeds
Unstructured Mesh Solvers for Atmospheric Dispersion Problems:
Mesh Adaptation, Parallelism and Visualization.
- [Details]
- [Webpage]