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News item

news iconSharing Practice in Enhancing and Assuring Quality (SPEAQ)
LLAS is leading on a new EU-funded project which will be using the LanQua Toolkit developed by our previous EU-funded language and quality network.
news iconLanguages, linguistics and area studies students in the National Student Survey 2011
This report is a summary of interviews and focus groups with around 100 students and 50 members of academic staff in departments of languages, linguistics or area studies at nine universities in the UK.
news iconThe winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2010
LLAS runs an annual student award competition open to anyone studying languages, linguistics or area studies as part of their HE course.
news iconThe LAFTAs are back!

The Language and Film Talent Awards (LAFTAs) is a competition for 13-21 year olds, run by CILT, the National Centre for Languages.

news iconStudent Award 2009: winners announced!

LLAS runs an annual student essay competition open to anyone studying languages, linguistics or area studies as part of their HE course.

news iconStudent Award 2008: What makes a good lecturer?

The winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2008 is Siobhan Tebbs Wesley, a final year student studying a Combined Honours in Arts (Arabic, French, Russian and Sociology) at Durham University.

news iconInvitation to bid: Projects to improve the quality of the student learning experience and e-learning
The Higher Education Academy is funding two calls for one-year projects. It is inviting expressions of interest from UK Higher Education Institutions (including colleges delivering higher education). Successful applicants at the first stage will be invited to submit full proposals, a number of which will be selected for funding.
news iconStudent Award 2007: What advice would you give to students starting your course?
The winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2007 is Robert McGinty, a final year student studying Russian and English Studies at the University of Nottingham.
news iconCall for bids: HE Academy Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group

The HE Academy Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group invites bids for up to £8,000 each for two small-scale projects. Practitioners from any discipline in UK higher education are welcome to apply.

news iconQuestionnaire on student experiences of using technologies in their studies
The UK e-learning research centre (eLRC) based at the HE Academy and the Universities of Manchester and Southampton, is carrying out research into the student experience of using learning technologies in their studies - something which they feel has been overlooked to date. They have asked LLAS and several other subject centres to help promote their online student questionnaire.
news iconStudent Award 2006: How does your experience of your course compare with any expectations you may have had?
The winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition is Gemma Brown, a first year in the Department of European Studies and Modern Languages at the University of Bath.
news iconStudent Award 2005: What makes the best learning experience for students of Languages, Linguistics or Area Studies?
The winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition is Joanna Britton, Exeter College, University of Oxford.
news iconResearch projects: Call for expressions of interest
The Higher Education Academy wishes to support evidence-based approaches to policy and practice and to pursue a scholarly, research-driven agenda to improve the quality of the student experience. One objective within this general aim is to promote and set up research programmes on key themes. The Academy Research Projects scheme constitute one activity to meet this objective.

LLAS Event

llasevent iconUsing the National Student Survey to improve student learning
Event date: 22 June, 2011
Location: Boardroom, Woburn House Conference Centre 20 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9HQ
llasevent iconLanguages in higher education 2010: raising the standard for languages
Event date: 1 July, 2010 - 2 July, 2010
Location: Etc venues, London, SE1 1GA
llasevent iconSupporting students' learning in ML (8 June 06)
Event date: 8 June, 2006
Location: University of Westminster
llasevent iconInternational students (9 June 06, Sheffield)
Event date: 9 June, 2006
Location: Sheffield Hallam University
llasevent iconInternational students (28 Apr 06, Southampton)
Event date: 28 April, 2006
Location: New College, University of Southampton
llasevent iconLanguages and employability (10 March 06)
Event date: 10 March, 2006
Location: Online
llasevent iconFacilitating transition (2 Dec 05)
Event date: 2 December, 2005
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconSharing good practice in teaching Area Studies (14 Nov 05)
Event date: 14 November, 2005
Location: CILT, London


paper iconLanguages, linguistics and area studies students in the National Student Survey 2010
The attached document displays the results of the 2010 National Student Survey in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.
paper iconLanguages, linguistics and area studies students in the National Student Survey 2009: an analysis by subject and gender
This analysis was undertaken by Gosia Kulej-Turner, a consultant employed by the Higher Education Academy.
paper iconModern foreign languages, higher education and mobile learning

A review of literature on Modern Foreign Languages and mobile learning at Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom, with a particular focus on the importance of the context on students’ learning experience

Modern Foreign Language departments at Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom are considered to be in a precarious situation, with declining enrolments on specialist language degree courses, in a context of an ever-increasing diversification of the student population.

At the same time, many universities have launched programmes and developed strategies to expand the use of e-learning and mobile learning within their departments with a view to maximise students’ learning experience.

This paper will define mobile learning in the context of Modern Foreign Languages and will consider the importance of the learning context, based on theories of collaborative learning.

paper iconRunner-up of the student award 2010: Studying languages, linguistics or area studies at university: a guide for new students

India-Chloe Woof, a 3rd year French and Linguistics student at the University of Sheffield, was a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student award competition 2010.

paper iconRunner-up of the student award 2010: My future employability: the benefits of a languages, linguistics or area studies degree

Rosie Shimmin, a 4th year German and Politics student at Cardiff University, was a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student award competition 2010.

paper iconRunner-up of the student award 2010: My future employability: the benefits of a languages, linguistics or area studies degree

Ciaran Roe, a 4th year Italian and English Literature student at the University of Edinburgh, was a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student award competition 2010.

paper iconRunner-up of the student award 2010: Encouraging school pupils to study languages, linguistics or area studies at university

Sarah Louise Badrock, a 1st year Middle Eastern and Modern European Language student at the University of Manchester, was a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student award competition 2010.

paper iconWinner of the student award: Encouraging school pupils to study languages, linguistics or area studies at university

The winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2010 is Daniel Finch-Race, a 3rd year Modern European Languages student at the University of Edinburgh. Daniel’s winning entry is a promotional article aimed at encouraging school pupils to study languages, linguistics or area studies at university.

paper iconGuide to languages, linguistics and area studies in the National Student Survey

The National Student Survey is a census of final year undergraduate students in the UK. Conducted since 2005, the 2009 survey asks students 22 questions about their learning experience at university. Each institution's results are broken down by discipline and made publicly available on the Unistats website.

paper iconStudying Typology

This paper was written by a student about their experiences of studying 'typology' within their linguistics degree at university.

paper iconRunner up in the student award 2009: How have you been inspired by studying languages, linguistics or area studies at university?

Amelia Villiers-Stuart, a 1st year French and English Literature student at the University of Edinburgh, was a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2009.

paper iconRunner up in the student award 2009: How have you been inspired by studying languages, linguistics or area studies at university?

Vladislav Mackevic, a 2nd year International Relations and English student at Aston University, was a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2009.

paper iconRunner up in the student award 2009: How have you been inspired by studying languages, linguistics or area studies at university?

Deborah Adams, 4th year Humanities with English Language student at the Open University, was a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2009.

paper iconWinner of the student award 2009: How have you been inspired by studying languages, linguistics or area studies at university?

The winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2009 was Laura Gent, a 4th year Modern Languages student at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

paper iconWhat students say about linguistics: why study syntax?

This paper was written by a student about their experiences of studying linguistics at university.

paper iconWhat students say about linguistics: why study French linguistics?

This paper was written by a student about their experiences of studying linguistics at university.

paper iconRunner up in the student award 2008: What makes a good lecturer?

Marta Dados, a second year French, Spanish and English student at the University of Glasgow, is a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2008.

paper iconRunner up in the student award 2008: What makes a good lecturer?

Caroline Smith, a final year Linguistics student at the University of Cambridge, was a runner up in the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2008.

paper iconStudent award 2008: What makes a good lecturer?

The winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2008 was Siobhan Tebbs Wesley, a final year student studying a Combined Honours in Arts (Arabic, French, Russian and Sociology) at Durham University.

paper iconStudent award 2007: What advice would you give to students starting your course?
The winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2007 was Robert McGinty, a final year student studying Russian and English Studies at the University of Nottingham.
paper iconStudent award 2006: How does your experience of your course compare with any expectations you may have had?
The winner of the Subject Centre's undergraduate student essay competition 2006 was Gemma Brown, a 1st year in the Department of European Studies and Modern Languages at the University of Bath.