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LLAS Event

llasevent iconUsing tools effectively for creating online teaching resources
Event date: 22 September, 2011
Location: The Language Space, University College London, 1-4 Malet Place, London, WC1E 7JE
llasevent iconApproaches to e-Learning
Event date: 21 September, 2011
Location: The Language Space, University College London, 1-4 Malet Place, London, WC1E 7JE
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 20 May, 2011
Location: Wolfson Suite, Harold Cohen Library, University of Liverpool (no 431 on campus map, gridline D8))
llasevent iconRESCHEDULED FROM 1/12/10 - The LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 19 January, 2011
Location: Irvine Building, University of St Andrews
llasevent iconOpen educational resources in the disciplines: a joint academy subject strand conference
Event date: 26 October, 2010
Location: The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), 66 Portland Place, London
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 14 January, 2011
Location: University of Durham, Room 150 (entrance no.1, first floor), Elvet Riverside Building (no 25) on map
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 13 October, 2010
Location: Room: H104 in Hirwaun building, registration in H213 of the same building, Treforest Campus, University of Glamorgan
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 21 June, 2010
Location: Language Lab 0/11, Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh Napier University
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 20 April, 2010
Location: Wolverhampton Science Park, Wolverhampton, West Midlands
llasevent iconThe LOC tool for teachers: authoring your own online learning materials
Event date: 21 October, 2009
Location: Tower Building, Perth Road, IT Lab Tower, IT Suite B (in the basement of the Tower)

Materials Bank Item

matbank iconWriting a book review for publication in an academic journal

Book reviews appear in a variety of publications including academic journals, magazines, newspapers and on websites. However, surprisingly little has been written about how a book review should be written. These activities, aimed primarily at postgraduate research students focus on writing book reviews for academic journals, though the principles can be applied to writing other kinds of book reviews too.

matbank iconParaphrasing and Synthesising

In this learning object you will be given the opportunity to practise paraphrasing and synthesising, which means using more than one source to support your arguments. It will provide practise in using synonyms to write effective paraphrases; raise awareness of the essential elements of a good paraphrase; suggest useful techniques when paraphrasing from a published source, and suggest ways that sources can be synthesised to support your arguments.

matbank iconPunctuating correctly

In this series of exercises, the vocabulary for the various punctuation marks will be checked, then their function will be explored. Finally, there will be some texts to punctuate in the correct way. This learning materials will: check that the vocabulary to refer to punctuation is fully understood; raise awareness of the correct function of various punctuation marks, and provide an opportunity to practise using punctuation marks correctly.

matbank iconAcademic Style

The focus of this learning object is on how the vocabulary and grammatical choices you make affect the register (the degree of formality) of your finished piece of academic writing. It will give you a greater awareness of the formality that is appropriate to academic writing; assist you in choosing formal vocabulary, so as to adopt an academic style; introduce the Academic Word List and its educational purpose, and assist you in selecting alternatives to the overuse of personal pronouns.

matbank iconReferencing correctly

In this series of activities, you will become familiar with the most widely used system of referencing; discover how to reference websites and articles in periodicals correctly, and learn what some common Latin abbreviations mean and when they are used in referencing.

matbank iconUnderstanding Essay Questions

These learning object activities will help you to understand how questions are structured and give you practice in recognising key components of essay questions. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconUmgangssprache in deutschen Liedern

This learning object activity is on the German language. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing, and is entirely in German.

matbank iconSubordinating Conjunctions in German

In these learning object activities, you will consider how to recognise and translate subordinating conjunctions and will practise locating the verb in a subordinate clause. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconIntroduction to social networking and Web 2.0

After completing the tasks provided in thsi learning object, lecturers should; understand the basic concepts that make up Web 2.0, improve their knowledge of social networks, be able to evaluate different social networks for educational purposes, be confident in designing a task using social network. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconColloquial expressions with 'ser' and 'estar' (B2)

This learning object is on the Spanish language. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing, and is in entirely in Spanish.

matbank iconPreparing for exams

In this learning object, you will learn;  to identify the myths and realities about taking exams, to gain practice in using your memory for revision; to investigate what to do before, during and after an exam. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconStrategies for moderating successful online courses

After completing the tasks in this learning object, you should; understand what online education is about, increase your confidence in moderating courses online, improve your skills in designing online courses. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconManaging your time successfully

In this learning object activity, you will learn to; practise ways of avoiding wasting time, Provide opportunities for improving your time management skills and look at ways of prioritising your time. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconWhat Is a Literature Review? An Introduction

In this learning object activity, you will have a closer look at a literature review chapter from a published journal article. The following tasks will introduce you to what content goes into a literature review, how you can structure it and what kind of expressions you can use in English, when you write your own literature review chapter (LRC). Examples and some tasks and references are oriented specifically at undergraduate business students for whom English is a foreign language.

matbank iconReading practice: Kaiser Karl der Große

These learning object activities are to be used for a Reading Class in German after you have completed approximately 30 hours of tuition. You will revise and practice past participles, and you will learn vocabulary relevant to a particular period in history. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconDie Gleichberechtigung der Frauen in Deutschland

This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing, and is entirely in German.

matbank iconGerman beginners - revision: meeting, greeting, getting to know each other

The aim of this exercise is to help you revise expressions you can use to greet someone, to introduce yourself and to ask questions about someone you have met for the first time. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconPostcards from favourite places - reading and writing exercise (German)

In this learning object exercise you will read a postcard that was published by in June 2007, learn some new expressions that are typical for the region it was sent from, answer some questions and finally write your own postcard. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconRecognising 'faux amis' (A-N) in German

This learning object aims to provide an introduction to False Friends. False Friends, Falsche Freunde or Faux amis (they are commonly known by the French phrase) are words that look or sound alike in two languages. However, they are not what they seem. In these activities, you will be made aware of the most frequently occurring German False Friends (A-N), and practise translating them correctly into English. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconTips for lecturers using discussion boards

This learning object aims to provide an introduction to discussion board software and websites for lecturers. After completing the tasks provided, lecturers should; Have a better understanding of what a discussion board is, Increase their confidence in setting up a discussion board, Improve their skills in designing tasks for discussion boards. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing.

matbank iconLos gestos y ademanes de los españoles

This learning object uses a video clip on YouTube relating to the use of gestures by Spanish speakers. It is intended to help improve audio comprehension, vocabulary and intercultural competence. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing, and is entirely in Spanish.

matbank iconGraffiti de Julio Cortázar

This learning object looks at a story by the Argentinian writer Julio Cortázar who was writing in difficult and oppressive political times during the last military dictatorship in Argentina which ended in 1983 just one year before his death.

This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing, and is entirely in Spanish.

En esta unidad leerás el cuento Graffiti de Julio Cortázar (escritor argentino 1914-1984), el cual trata del flirteo de una pareja de enamorados durante los años de la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983). Aprenderás cómo se pudo haber sentido el ciudadano común en una época de represión cuando los actos más ingenuos se convertían en peligrosos y subversivos. Además de leer el cuento, podrás escucharlo en las grabaciones al principio de cada parte. El acento que escucharás es el de una nativa de Argentina.

matbank iconAprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE)

This learning object will be looking at Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for the teaching of Spanish. This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing, and is entirely in Spanish.

En esta unidad Ud. reflexionará acerca del Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE), conocido en inglés como Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Se cubrirán algunos de los principios fundamentales que sustentan la práctica áulica en AICLE, con tareas para pensar. La unidad propone lineamientos para una secuencia didáctica sobre el tema de los insectos, arácnidos y moluscos, en la que se ofrece contenido curricular y el lenguaje para expresar algunos de los conceptos. Se sugiere la implementación de la secuencia en la escuela primaria con alumnos ELE
