Number of items at this level: 165.
Qurbanov, Dinar
Sentence syntax trees should be made from morphemes. Semantically ordered trees.
Plant, Dr John S and Plant, Prof Richard E
Getting the most from a surname study:
semantics, DNA and computer modelling
(third edition).
Situngkir, Hokky
Indonesian Innovations on Information Technology 2013: Between Syntactic and Semantic Textual Network.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Situngkir, Hokky and Maulana, Ardian
Dynamics of the Corruption Eradication in Indonesia.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Jelec, Anna
Are abstract concepts like dinosaur feathers? Objectification as a conceptual tool: evidence from language and gesture of English and Polish native speakers.
Sandler, Dr. Sergeiy
Review of Scott Soames, What is meaning? (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010).
[Journal (Paginated)]
Plant, Dr John S and Plant, Prof Richard E
Getting the most from a surname study: semantics, DNA and computer modelling.
Sandler, Dr. Sergeiy
Language as literature: Characters in everyday spoken discourse.
[Conference Paper]
Franceschi, Dr Paul
The Problem of the Relationships of Love, Hate and Indifference.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Sandler, Dr. Sergeiy
Reenactment: An embodied cognition approach to meaning and linguistic content.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Situngkir, Hokky
Spread of hoax in Social Media.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Sandler, Dr. Sergeiy
Reenactment: An embodied cognition approach to meaning and linguistic content.
[Journal (Paginated)]
(In Press)
Jelec, Anna and Jaworska, Dorota
Mind: meet network. Emergence of features in conceptual metaphor.
[Conference Paper]
Franceschi, Paul
Analyse paradigmatique d'un corpus de proverbes à l'aide des matrices de concepts.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Franceschi, Paul
Le plan dialectique : pour une alternative au paradigme.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Franceschi, Paul
Le problème des relations amour-haine-indifférence.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Franceschi, Paul
Une Classe de Concepts.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Maulana, Ardian and Situngkir, Hokky
Some Inquiries to Spontaneous Opinions: A case with Twitter in Indonesia.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Brillowski, Dr. Claus
From Domains Towards a Logic of Universals: A Small Calculus for the Continuous Determination of Worlds.
Unger, Dr Christoph
Exploring the borderline between procedural encoding and pragmatic inference.
[Conference Paper]
Plant, Dr John S
Surname studies with genetics.
G., Nagarjuna
Collaborative Creation of Teaching-Learning Sequences and an Atlas of Knowledge.
Mukherjee, Mr. Debaprasad
Complexity, BioComplexity, the Connectionist Conjecture and Ontology of Complexity.
Turney, Peter D.
The Latent Relation Mapping Engine: Algorithm and Experiments.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Evola, Vito
“Io sono evoluto e quello è un uomo di Neanderthal”:
Un’analisi linguistica cognitivista del concetto di evoluzione.
[Conference Paper]
Evola, Vito
How Body and Soul Interact with the Spiritual Mind.
[Conference Paper]
Evola, Vito
La metafora come carrefour cognitivo del pensiero e del linguaggio.
[Book Chapter]
(In Press)
Evola, Vito
Multimodal Semiotics of Representing God and the Self:
a Cognitive Linguistic View of Metaphors and Gestures
in Religious Discourse.
[Conference Poster]
Turney, Peter D.
A Uniform Approach to Analogies, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Associations.
[Conference Paper]
On the origin of the cumulative semantic inhibition effect.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Evola, Vito
Multimodal Semiotics of Spiritual Experiences: Representing Beliefs, Metaphors, and Actions.
[Conference Paper]
Saba, Walid
Ontology and Formal Semantics - Integration Overdue.
Evola, Vito
Cognitive Linguistics and the Evolution of Body and Soul
in the Western World: from Ancient Hebrew to Modern English.
[Conference Poster]
Karmakar, Samir
Possibilities and impossibilities of meaning: A study in semantics.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Saba, Walid
A Note on Ontology and Ordinary Language.
Zakharyaschev, Ivan
Type logic served by co-Merge, Merge and Move: an account for sluicing and questions of `common European' and Japanese types.
[Conference Paper]
Karmakar, Samir
Designing Domain Ontology: A Study in Lexical Semantics.
Saba, Walid
Language, logic and ontology: uncovering the
structure of commonsense knowledge.
(In Press)
Plant, Dr John S
The Tardy Adoption of the Plantagenet Surname.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Evola, Vito
St. Paul's Error: The Semantic Changes of BODY and SOUL in the Western World.
[Conference Paper]
Vélez León, Paulo
Aproximaciones a la ¿Obra de Arte?
Approaches to ¿ArtWork?
[Book Chapter]
Gezgin, Dr. Ulas Basar
Howard, Dr. Newton and Guidère, Dr. Mathieu
The Clash of Perceptions.
Howard, Dr. Newton and Guidère, Dr. Mathieu
The Clash of Perceptions.
Moscoso del Prado Martin, Dr Fermin and Kostic, Prof Aleksandar and Filipovic-Djurdjevic, Dusica
The Missing Link between Morphemic Assemblies and Behavioral Responses:a Bayesian Information-Theoretical model of lexical processing.
riley, dr john a.
Reference_ and_Definiteness,Revised.
Moscoso del Prado Martin, Fermin and Aleksandar, Kostic and Dusica, Filipovic-Djurdjevic
The Missing Link between Morphemic Assemblies and Behavioral Responses:a Bayesian Information-Theoretical model of lexical processing.
Karmakar, Samir
Cognitive Semantics: An Extension of the Cartesian Legacy.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Turney, Peter D.
Expressing Implicit Semantic Relations without Supervision.
[Conference Paper]
Evola, Vito
Polisemia e slittamenti semantici nei concetti ANIMA e CORPO nel mondo occidentale, ovvero l'errore di San Paolo.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
Similarity of Semantic Relations.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Evola, Vito
Cognitive Semiotics and On-Line Reading of Religious Texts.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Kravchenko, Prof. A.V. and Zelberg, Dr. J.B.
Complex sentence as a structure for representing knowledge.
Turney, Peter D. and Littman, Michael L.
Corpus-based Learning of Analogies and Semantic Relations.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Unger, Christoph
Lexical pragmatics and types of linguistic encoding: evidence from
pre- and postpositions in Behdini-Kurdish.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
Measuring Semantic Similarity by Latent Relational Analysis.
[Conference Paper]
Plant, Dr John S
Modern merthods and a controversial surname: Plant.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Plant, Dr John S
Modern methods and a controversial surname: Plant.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Plant, Dr John S
Modern methods and a controversial surname: Plant.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Roberts, Dr Mark D
Name Strategy: Its Existence and Implications.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turney, Peter D.
Human-Level Performance on Word Analogy Questions by Latent Relational Analysis.
[Departmental Technical Report]
D.Roberts, Mark
Does Meaning Evolove?
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turewicz, prof. Kamila
Situngkir, Hokky
How Far Can We Go Through Social System?
[Departmental Technical Report]
(In Press)
Ball, Dr. Jerry T.
A Bi-Polar Theory of Nominal and Clause Structure and Function.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Evola, Vito
Blending the Erotic and the Divine in Mystical Literature.
[Conference Poster]
Turney, Peter D. and Littman, Michael L. and Bigham, Jeffrey and Shnayder, Victor
Combining Independent Modules in Lexical Multiple-Choice Problems.
[Book Chapter]
Karmakar, Samir
Compositionality: The Formation of a Learning Theory.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Denhière, Guy and Lemaire, Benoît
A Computational Model of Children's Semantic Memory.
[Conference Paper]
Frey, Miloslaw
Connectionist Taxonomy Learning.
Gezgin, Dr. Ulas Basar
The Pragmatics Of Cartoons:
The Interaction Of Bystander Humorosity Vs. Agent-Patient Humorosity.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
Word Sense Disambiguation by Web Mining for Word Co-occurrence Probabilities.
[Conference Paper]
Gezgin, Dr. Ulas Basar
Tsur, Reuven
Aspects of Cognitive Poetics.
[Book Chapter]
Turney, Peter and Littman, Michael and Bigham, Jeffrey and Shnayder, Victor
Combining independent modules to solve multiple-choice synonym and analogy problems.
[Conference Paper]
Lemaire, Benoit and Bianco, Maryse
Contextual Effects on Metaphor Comprehension: Experiment and Simulation.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter and Littman, Michael
Learning Analogies and Semantic Relations.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Turney, Peter and Littman, Michael
Measuring praise and criticism: Inference of semantic orientation from association.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Unger, Christoph
Metarepresentation, tense, aspect and narratives: the case of Behdini-Kurdish and Estonian.
[Conference Paper]
Kravchenko, Prof. A.V.
A Cognitive Account of Tense and Aspect:
Resurrecting "Dead" Metaphors.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Kravchenko, Prof. A.V.
[Book Chapter]
Farkas, Igor and Li, Ping
Modeling the development of lexicon with a growing self-organizing map.
[Conference Paper]
Sharifian, Dr Farzad
Association-Interpretation: A research technique in cultural and cognitive linguistics.
[Conference Paper]
Lavigne, Frédéric and Denis, Sylvain
Attentional and Semantic Anticipations.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Horsey, Richard
“If Josef kills Leon, is Leon dead?”.
[Conference Paper]
Tsur, Reuven
Onomatopoeia: Cuckoo-Language and Tick-Tocking+◊.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Farkas, Igor and Li, Ping
A self-organizing neural network model of the acquisition of word meaning.
[Conference Paper]
Parisse, Christophe and Le Normand, Marie-Thérèse
Beyond the realm of noun and verb: the cognitive lexicon of the young child.
Stemmer, Brigitte and Corre, Marianne and Joanette, Yves
Lavigne, Frédéric and Lavigne, Pascal
Anticipatory Semantic Processes.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Sharifian, Farzad
Aspects of schematic processing in Indigenous speakers of Aboriginal English: An initial exploration.
[Conference Paper]
Josephson, Brian D.
Constructional Tools as the Origin of Cognitive Capacities.
[Conference Paper]
Zwaan, Rolf and Kaup, Barbara and Stanfield, Robert and Madden, Carol
Language comprehension as guided experience.
Gutt, Dr Ernst-August
Textual properties, communicative clues and the translator.
[Book Chapter]
Akman, Varol
Book Review--Ronald Cole (editor-in-chief), Joseph Mariani, Hans Uszkoreit, Annie Zaenen, and Victor Zue, eds., Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Stenning, Keith and Lemon, Oliver
Aligning logical and psychological perspectives on diagrammatic reasoning.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Gutt, Dr Ernst-August
Logical connectives, relationships and relevance.
[Book Chapter]
Rosenthal, Victor and Visetti, Yves-Marie
Sens et temps de la Gestalt (Gestalt theory: critical overview and contemporary relevance).
[Journal (Paginated)]
Akman, Varol and Alpaslan, Ferda N.
Strawson on Intended Meaning and Context.
[Conference Paper]
Akman, Varol
Book Review--Jaap van der Does and Jan van Eijk, eds., Quantifiers, Logic, and Language.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Akman, Varol
Guest Editor's Introduction.
[Journal (Paginated)]
D.Roberts, Mark
Radical Interpretation Described using Terms from Biological Evolution.
Kashkin, Vyacheslav B.
Choice Factors in Translation.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Hurford, James R and Kirby, Simon
Co-Evolution of Language-Size and the Critical Period.
[Book Chapter]
Say, Bilge and Akman, Varol
Dashes as Typographical Cues for the Information Structure.
[Conference Paper]
Muskens, Reinhard and Krahmer, Emiel
Description Theory, LTAGs and Underspecified Semantics.
[Conference Paper]
Hurford, James R
The evolution of language and languages.
[Book Chapter]
Hurford, Jim
Functional Innateness: explaining the critical period for language acquisition.
McNeill, David and Duncan, Susan D.
Growth Points in Thinking-for-Speaking.
Say, Bilge and Akman, Varol
An Information-Based Treatment of Punctuation in Discourse Representation Theory.
[Book Chapter]
Hurford, Jim
The interaction between numerals and nouns.
Bogatyrev, Konstantin K.
Reflexive Thoughts about a Medieval Russian Epic.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Langston, William and Kramer, Douglas C and Glenberg, Arthur M
The Representation of Space in Mental Models derived from Text.
Akman, Varol
Book Review -- Jon Barwise and Lawrence Moss, Vicious Circles: On the Mathematics of Non-Wellfounded Phenomena.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Akman, Varol and Surav, Mehmet
The Use of Situation Theory in Context Modeling.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Akman, Varol
Book Review -- John Lyons, Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Stenning, Keith and Oberlander, Jon
A cognitive theory of graphical and linguistic reasoning: logic and implementation. Cognitive Science.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Akman, Varol
Context as a Social Construct.
[Conference Paper]
Say, Bilge and Akman, Varol
Current Approaches to Punctuation in Computational Linguistics.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Jorion, Paul
Jean Pouillon et le mystère de la chambre chinoise.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol
Situated Nonmonotonic Temporal Reasoning with BABY-SIT.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Akman, Varol and Pakkan, Mujdat
Nonstandard Set Theories and Information Management.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Sloman, A.
Actual Possibilities.
[Conference Paper]
Sloman, Aaron
Beyond Turing Equivalence.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Muskens, Reinhard
Combining Montague Semantics and Discourse Representation.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Oliphant, Michael
The Dilemma of Saussurean Communication.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Harnad, Stevan
Experimental Analysis of Naming Behavior Cannot Explain Naming Capacity.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Gutt, Dr Ernst-August
Implicit information in literary translation: A relevance-theoretic perspective.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Say, Bilge and Akman, Varol
Information-Based Aspects of Punctuation.
[Conference Paper]
Say, Bilge and Akman, Varol
An Information-Based Treatment of Punctuation.
[Conference Paper]
Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol
Information-Oriented Computation with BABY-SIT.
[Book Chapter]
Jorion, Paul
La linguistique d'Aristote.
[Book Chapter]
Harnad, Stevan
The Origin of Words: A Psychophysical Hypothesis.
[Book Chapter]
Akman, Varol and Surav, Mehmet
Steps toward Formalizing Context.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Mueller, Horst M. and Kutas, Marta
What's in a name? Electrophysiological differences between spoken nouns, proper nouns and one's own name.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Pakkan, Mujdat and Akman, Varol
HYPERSOLVER: A Graphical Tool for Commonsense Set Theory.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Akman, Varol
Book Review -- Hans Kamp and Uwe Reyle, From Discourse to Logic: Introduction to Model-theoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic and Discourse Representation Theory.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Ersan, Murat and Akman, Varol
Situated Modeling of Epistemic Puzzles.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Stenning, Keith and Inder, Robert
Applying semantic concepts to the media assigment problem in multi-media communication.
[Book Chapter]
Akman, Varol and Surav, Mehmet
Contexts, Oracles, and Relevance.
[Conference Paper]
Pakkan, Mujdat and Akman, Varol
Issues in Commonsense Set Theory.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Surav, Mehmet and Akman, Varol
Modeling Context with Situations.
[Conference Paper]
Sloman, Aaron
Musings on the roles of logical and non-logical representations in intelligence.
[Book Chapter]
Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol
Situations and Computation: An Overview of Recent Research.
[Conference Paper]
Muskens, Reinhard
Tense and the Logic of Change.
[Book Chapter]
Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol
Computational Situation Theory.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Muskens, Reinhard
Categorial Grammar and Discourse Representation Theory.
[Conference Paper]
Allott, Robin
Language and the origin of semiosis.
[Book Chapter]
Akman, Varol
Ripping the Text Apart at Different Seams.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Sloman, A.
Semantics in an intelligent control system.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol
Situated Processing of Pronominal Anaphora.
[Conference Paper]
Schirra, Jörg R.J. and Stopp, Eva
ANTLIMA -- A Listener Model with Mental Images.
[Conference Paper]
Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol
BABY-SIT: A Computational Medium Based on Situations.
[Conference Paper]
Muskens, Reinhard
Anaphora and the Logic of Change.
[Book Chapter]
Muskens, Reinhard
Hyperfine-Grained Meanings in Classical Logic.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Harnad, Stevan
The Symbol Grounding Problem.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Harnad, Stevan
The Symbol Grounding Problem.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Harnad, Stevan
Minds, Machines and Searle.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Muskens, Reinhard
A Relational Formulation of the Theory of Types.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Oliphant, Michael
Rethinking the language bottleneck: Why don't animals learn to communicate?
Oliphant, Michael
The learning barrier: Moving from innate to learned systems of communication.
Markovitch, J. S.
Effects of context on the processing of lexical ambiguities.
Josephson, Brian D. and Blair, David G.
A Holistic Approach to Language.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Markovitch, J. S.
The Evolution of Semantic Memory and Spreading Activation.
Lecours, Andre Roch and Yves, Joanette
Linguisitic and Other Psychological Aspects of Paroxysmal Aphasia.
[Journal (Paginated)]
This list was generated on Tue Jan 16 23:49:54 2018 GMT.