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Recent Journal Papers

Chen, L., Shadbolt N.R., Tao F. and Goble C. (2005), Engineering Grid Resources' Metadata for Resource and Knowledge Sharing, Accepted for the special issue of International Journal of Web Service Research (JWSR) on Bridging Communities: Semantically Augmented Metadata for Services, Grids, and Software Engineering. Idea Group Publishing

Eres, M.H., Pound, G.E., Jiao, Z., Wason, J.L., Xu, F., Keane,A.J., Cox, S.J. Implementation and utilisation of a Grid-enabled problem solving environment in Matlab. Future Generation Computer Systems (In press) [ PDF ]

Xue G., Song W., Cox S.J., and Keane A.J., Numerical Optimisation as Grid Services for Engineering Design, Journal of Grid Computing, Vol.2 No.3, 2004, pp223-238. [ PDF ]

M.S. Campobasso and M.B. Giles, Stabilization of a Linear Flow Solver for Turbomachinery Aeroelasticity Using Recursive Projection Method, AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, no. 9, September 2004, pp. 1765-1774. [ PDF ]

M.C. Duta, M.S. Campobasso, M.B. Giles, L.B. Lapworth, Adjoint Harmonic Sensitivities for Forced Response Minimisation, ASME paper GT-2003-38904, to appear in the ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power in 2005.

M.S. Campobasso, M.C. Duta, M.B. Giles, Adjoint Calculation of Sensitivities of Turbomachinery Objective functions, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 19, no. 4, July-August 2003, pp. 693-703. [ gzipped postscript file ]

M.S. Campobasso and M.B. Giles, Effects of Flow Instabilities on the Linear Analysis of Turbomachinery Aeroelasticity, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 19, no. 2, March-April 2003, pp. 250-259. [ gzipped postscript file ]


G.E. Pound & S.J. Cox. Design Principles for a Grid-Enabled Problem Solving Environment to be used by Engineers. In: Grid Computing:
Software Environments and Tools, (Eds. Jose C. Cunha & Omer F. Rana).
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK (In Press)

M.C. Duta, M.B. Giles and A. Laird. `A hybrid FE/spectral analysis of turbofan aeroacoustics', to appear in Computational Fluid Dynamics 2004. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (PDF file: 200kb).

ICARCV 2004, Kunming, China, 6-9 December 2004 (accepted)
Song, W., Ong, Y, S., Ng, H, K., Keane, A.J., Cox, S.J., and Lee, B.S. A Service-Oriented Approach for Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation across Institutional Boundaries. [ PDF ]
3rd International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics for Large Scale Information Systems (ODBASE), Larnaca, Cyprus, 25-29 Oct, 2004 (accepted)
Tao, F, Shadbolt, N.R., Chen, L, Xu., F. and Cox, S.J. Semantic Web based Content Enrichment and Knowledge Reuse in e-Science. [ PDF ]
2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04), Beijing, China, 20-24 September 2004 (accepted)
Chen, L., Cox, S.J., Tao, F., Shadbolt, N.R., Goble, C., Puleston C. Empower Resource Providers to Build the Semantic Grid. In Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04), pp271-278 [ PDF ]

Chen, L., Shadbolt, N.R., Goble, C., Tao, F., Cox, S.J., Puleston C. (2004), Managing Semantic Metadata for the Semantic Grid. [ PDF ] In Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence, pp.131-14

An invited paper for Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence (KGGI) workshop.

IEEE SCC 2004 Grid and Utility Computing Track, Shanghai, China, 15 - 18 September 2004 (accepted)

Xu, F, Eres, M.H., Baker, D.J, and Cox, S.J. Tools and Support for Deploying Applications on the Grid. [ PDF ]

Xue G., Song W., Keane A.J., and Cox S.J., Developing Services for Design Optimisation on the Grid. [ PDF ]

EuroPar 2004, Pisa, Italy, 31 August - 3 September 2004 (accepted for oral presentation)
Jiao, Z., Wason, J.L., Song, W., Xu, F., Eres, H., Keane, A.J., and Cox, S.J. Databases, Workflows and the Grid in a Service Oriented Environment. Euro-Par 2004, Parallel Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3149, pp. 972-979. [ PDF ]
10th AIAA/ISSMO, Albany, New York, 30 August - 1 September 2004 (accepted)
Song, W. and Keane, A.J.K. A Study of Shape Parameterisation methods for airfoil optimisation [ PDF ]
e-Science AHM 2004, Nottingham, 31 August - 3 September 2004 (accepted)

Wason, J.L., Jiao, Z., Song, W., Price, A., and Cox, S.J. Deployment and Exploitation of Grid-enabled Data Management for Engineers. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, pp 410-417. [ PDF ] [ link ]

Xu, F, Eres, M.H.,Tao, F., and Cox, S.J. Workflow Support for Advanced Grid-Enabled Computing. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, pp 430-437 [ PDF ] [ link ]

Eres, M.H., Pound, G.E., Cox, S.J. User Deployment of Grid Toolkits to Engineers. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, pp 424-429 [ PDF ] [ link ]

Tao, F., Cox, S.J., Chen, L., Shadbolt, N.R., Xu, F., Puleston, C., and Goble, C. Applying the Semantic Web to Manage Knowledge on the Grid. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, pp 508-515 [ PDF ] [ link ]

2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003), 20-23 October 2003, Florida, USA
Chen, L, Shadbolt, N.R, Goble, C , Tao, F., Cox, S.J., Puleston, C., and Smart, P. (2003) Towards a Knowledge-based Approach to Semantic Service Composition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2870, pp 319-334 [ PDF ]
Web Intelligence (WI2003) workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence, 13-16 October 2003, Halifax, Canada
Chen L., Shadbolt N.R., Tao F., Puleston C., Goble C., Cox S.J. (2003) Exploiting Semantics for e-Science on the Semantic Grid. Web Intelligence (WI2003) workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence, pp 122-132 [ PDF ] [ PDF ]
e-Science AHM 2003, Nottingham, 2-4 September 2003

Pound, G.E, Eres, M. H, Fairman, M.J, Xue, G, Keane, A.J, and Cox, S.J. Grid middleware for engineering design search and optimisation. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2003, pp. 736-743 [ PDF ] [ link ]

Jiao, Z, Wason, J, Molinari, M, Johnston, S, and Cox, S.J. Integrating Data Management into Engineering Applications. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2003, pp. 687-694 [ link ]

Song, W, Keane, A.J, and Cox, S.J. CFD-Based Shape Optimisation with Grid-Enabled Design Search Toolkits. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2003, pp. 619-626 [ link ]

Xu, F and Cox, S.J. Workflow Tool for Engineers in a Grid-Enabled Matlab Environment. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2003, pp. 212-215 [ link ]

Tao, F, Cox, S.J, Chen, L, Shadbolt, N.R, Xu, F, Puleston, C, Goble, C, and Song,W.
Towards the Semantic Grid: Enriching Content for Management and Reuse. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2003, pp. 695-702 [ link ]

Allan, R, Baker, D, Boyd, D, Chohan, D, Cox, S.J, Eres, M.H, Fowler, R, Furmento, N, Giddy, J, Harmer, T, Hayes, M, Hill, N, Hillier, J, Jensen, J, Keane, A.J, Krznaric, M, Lee, W, McKeown, M, Mills, A, Newhouse, S, Pickles, S, Pinning, R, Richards, A, Saleem, A and Watt, J. (2003) Building the e-Science Grid in the UK: Middleware, Applications and Tools deployed at Level 2, Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2003, pp. 488-493. [ PDF ] [ link ]

Molinari, M, Cox, S,J and Keane, A.J. Grid-enabled electromagnetic optimisation (GEM) for industrial use. Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2003, pp. 770-774 [ link ]

EuroPar 2003, Klagenfurt, 26-29 August 2003

Xue, G, Fairman, M, Pound,G.E, Cox, S.J. (2003) Implementation of a Grid Computation Toolkit for Design Optimisation with Matlab and Condor. Euro-Par 2003 Parallel Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2790, 357-365 [ PDF ]

Song,W, Keane, A.J, Eres, M.H, Pound, G.E, Cox, S.J. Two Dimensional Airfoil Optimisation using CFD in a Grid Computing Envirionment. Euro-Par 2003 Parallel Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2790, 525-532 [ PDF ]

Xu, F, Eres, M.H, Cox, S.J (2003) Short Message Service in a Grid-Enabled Computing Environment. Euro-Par 2003 Parallel Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2790, 1148-1152 [ PDF ]

Wason, J.L, Molinari, M, Jiao, Z & Cox, S.J. (2003)  Delivering Data Management for Engineers on the Grid. Euro-Par 2003 Parallel Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2790, 413-416 [ PDF, extended version]

I-KNOW 2003, Graz, 2-4 July 2003, accepted for oral presentation and publication
Tao, F, Chen, L, Shadbolt, N,R. Pound, G, Cox, S.J. (2003) Towards The Semantic Grid: Putting Knowledge To Work In Design Optimisation. Proceedings of I-KNOW '03, 3rd International Conference of Knowledge Management, 555-566   [ PDF ]
ICCS 2003 paper, Melbourne, Australia and St. Petersburg, Russia, 2-4 June 2003, accepted for oral presentation and publication
Eres, M.H, Pound, G.E, Jiao, Z, Wason, J, Xu, F, Keane, A.J, and Cox, S.J. (2003)  Implementation of a Grid-enabled Problem Solving Environment in Matlab. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science (ICCS 2003), Part IV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 420-429 [ PDF ] [ Link ]
IPDPS 2003, Nice, 22-26 April 2003
Pound,G. E, Eres, M. H, Wason, J. L, Jiao, Z, Keane, A. J.and Cox, S. J. (2003) A Grid-Enabled Problem Solving Environment (PSE) for Design Optimisation within Matlab.  17th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 50 [ PDF ]
Euroweb 2002, Oxford, 17-18 December 2002
Chen, L, Cox, S.J Goble, C , Keane, A.J, Roberts, A, Shadbolt, N.R, Smart, P, Tao, F. (2002) Engineering Knowledge for Engineering Grid Applications. Proceedings of Euroweb 2002 Conference, The Web and the GRID: from e-science to e-business. pp12-25   [ doc ]
e-Science All Hands, Sheffield, 2-4 Sept 2002

Cox, S.J, Chen, L, Campobasso, S, Duta, M.H, Eres, M.H, Giles, M.B, Goble, C, Jiao, Z, Keane, A.K, Pound, G.E, Roberts, A, Shadbolt, N.R, Tao, F, Wason, J.L, Xu, F. (2002) Grid Enabled Optimisation and Design Search (GEODISE)  [ PDF ]

Cox, S.J, Jiao, Z, Wason,J.L. (2002) Data Management Services for Engineering.  [ PDF ]

Chen, L, Cox, S.J, Goble, C, Keane, A.J, Roberts, A, Shadbolt, N.R, Smart, P, Tao, F. (2002) Knowledge Services for Distributed Service Integration.  [ PDF ]

Other papers

Campobasso,M.S. and Giles M.B.. Computing linear harmonic unsteady flows in turbomachines with complex iterative solvers'. AIAA CFD Conference, 2005. [ PDF ]

Chen ,L, Shadbolt, N, Goble, C, Tao, F, Puleston, C, and Cox, S.J. Semantics-Assisted Problem Solving On The Semantic Grid (2005). Computational Intelligence, Vol.21, No.2, pp.157-176 [ PDF ]

Price, A. R., Xue, G., Yool, A., Lunt, D. J., Lenton, T.M., Wason, J. L., Pound, G. E., Cox S. J. and the GENIE team, Tuning GENIE Earth System Model Components using a Grid Enabled Data Management System, Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, pp. 593-600, Nottingham, UK, Sep. 2004. ISBN 1-904425-21-6.
[ PDF ]

Puleston, C. The 'Ontoview' Knowledge Management System. (2004) [ PDF ]

Duta, M.C, Laird, A., and Giles M. B. (2004) A Hybrid FE/Spectral Formulation of Turbofan Noise Radiation. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 04, 1-6.

Gulamali, M.Y., Lenton,T.M., Yool, A., Price, A.R., Marsh, R.J., Edwards, N.R., Valdes, P.J., Wason, J.L., Cox, S.J., Krznaric, M., Newhouse, S., and Darlington, J. GENIE: Delivering e-Science to the environmental scientist. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, pp 145-152, Nottingham, UK, Sep. 2003. [ PDF ]

Duta, M.C, Giles M. B. and Lafronza, L. (2003) Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Aeroacoustic Applications, AIAA Paper 2003-9328, Proceedings of the 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit 12-14 May, 2003, Hilton Head, South Carolina

Duta, M.C, Campobasso, M.S, Giles, M. B and Lapworth, L.B (2003) Adjoint Harmonic Sensitivities for Forced Response Minimization ASME Paper GT2003-38904, Proceedings of the ASME International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Technical Congres, 16-19 June 2003, Atlanta, Georgia

Cox S.J, Boardman, R.P, Chen, L, Duta, M, Eres, M.H, Fairman, M.J, Jiao, Z, Giles, M, Goble, C.A, Pound, G.E, Keane, A.J, Scott, C.M, Shadbolt, N.R, Tao, F, Wason, J.L, Xue, G. (2002) Grid Services in Action: Grid Enabled Optimisation and Design Search. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing HPDC-11 2002, p 413  [ PDF ]

Cox S.J, Fairman, M.J, Xue, G, Wason, J.L, Keane, A.J. (2001) The Grid: Computational and Data Resource Sharing in Engineering Optimisation and Design Search. Proceedings of the 2001 ICPP Workshops, 207-212  [ PDF ]

Campobasso, S, Giles, M.B. (2002) Effects of Flow Instabilities on the Linear Analysis of Turbomachinery Aeroelasticity. 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit 7-10 July, 2002 / Indianapolis. [ ps.gz ]

Wroe,C, Stevens, R, Goble, C, Roberts, A, Greenwood, M. A Suite of DAML+OIL Ontologies to Describe Bioinformatics Web Services and Data. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. 12 (2): 197-224 JUN 2003 [ PDF ]

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