LLAS Event

Event date: 23 May, 2012
Location: Room 2151, Blg 65, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton

Event date: 26 February, 2010
Location: University of Sheffield, Douglas Knoop Centre, Humanities Research Institute

Event date: 4 March, 2009
Location: Loughview Suite, Jordanstown Campus, University of Ulster

Event date: 21 November, 2008
Location: The Leeds Humanities Research Institute, University of Leeds

Event date: 23 May, 2008
Location: The Ramsden Room, St Catharine's College, Cambridge

Event date: 6 December, 2006
Location: University of Brighton

Event date: 12 May, 2006
Location: Senate House, Malet Street, University of London
News item

Classics in the Subject Centre (CSC) at the Higher Education Academy is supporting research for a project entitled: Mapping Internationalisation in the Classics.

Do you teach philosophical or religious studies (PRS) outside a dedicated PRS department? The Subject Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies (PRS) are beginning a scoping study of PRS provision in non-PRS departments. (‘PRS’ subjects include philosophy; theology; religious studies; history and philosophy of science, technology and medicine.

Unfortunately this event has been cancelled. The Subject Centre and the School of Art, Media & Design, University of Gloucester are looking for contributions to our forthcoming event on 1st November 2003. This conference is aimed at those who teach cultural material as part of Anglophone Area studies programmes in the Higher Education sector (particularly American, Australian and Canadian Studies) as well as those involved in teaching elements of Anglophone cultures in Education, Film, History, Media/Media Communications, Human Geography, Postcolonial Studies and Sociology courses. The focus of the conference is on classroom practice.

Workshop: 31st January, CILT, Covent Garden, London

The British Association for Irish Studies, in association with the Learning and Teaching Support Network, is proposing to hold a day conference on 'Irish Studies in the Curriculum' during Autumn 2003 at Senate House, University of London. The event is co-ordinating by the English Subject Centre and the Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.
Languages FAQ
Web Guide (GPG)

An overview of the nature and content of Canadian Studies (including Québec Studies) teaching and research in British and Northern Irish universities, with sections on each designated centre, their specialist disciplines and the courses they offer. These are mainly in history, politics, literature, geography, film, and aboriginal studies, often as part of a comparative programme.

The content of New Zealand Studies teaching in the UK is outlined in sections covering Literature, Film, Geography, Social Sciences, History, Tourism and Sport. Links to resources available in print and on the Internet are provided.

A general overview of the nature and variety of American Studies degree courses in United Kingdom universities, including notes on the differing structures and content of degree courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, opportunities for study abroad and the wide range of resources available for students and lecturers in American Studies.

A survey of French area studies teaching in the UK, covering curriculum content, design and delivery.

A survey of Australian Studies teaching in UK universities, from interdisciplinary and single discipline perspectives, including history, literature, and the culture of indigenous Australians.

European Studies is a type of interdisciplinary programme, widely established in the UK since the 1970s, which combines modern languages with disciplinary studies in the social sciences or humanities. Programmes fall predominantly into two groups: those based on progressive study of two or more disciplines applied to Europe, typically history, politics and economics, and those in which language is studied in the context of European cultures and societies. The study of the EU is a core part of most programmes. Degrees are usually of four years with one year spent at university or in a placement in continental Europe.
Area Studies Collection

From the first book published in English through the age of Spenser and Shakespeare, this incomparable collection now contains about 100,000 of over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard & Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640) and Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700) and their revised editions, as well as the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661) collection and the Early English Books Tract Supplement. Libraries possessing this collection find they are able to fulfill the most exhaustive research requirements of graduate scholars subject areas, including: English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, theology, music, fine arts, education, mathematics, and science.

Glasgow Digital Library (GDL)has produced a series of freely available e-books relating to Glasgow and Scotland. These books have been digitised and converted toweb format at the Centre for Digital Library Research from a variety of special collections.

ECCO is an on-line multi-disciplinary research database which consists of a library of nearly 140,000 digitised titles and editions, published in the United Kingdom between 1701 and 1800. Full-text searching of more than 32 million pages takes the user directly to primary source material in facsimile copy of its original. ECCO is of universal appeal to Classicists, Medievalists, Renaissance scholars and students of the early modern period, as well as the later period of the Enlightenment. The project is based on Thomson Gale's microfilm library. Registration required for trial access.

St Andrews' holds one of the largest and most important collections of historic photography in Scotland. Includes the Valentine collection (the surviving image archive of the 19th century company which later became one of the largest publishers of picture postcards in the world), the Robert Moyes Adam collection (which concentrates largely on rural Scotland - its landscape and people, c.1900-1950), and the George Cowie collection (the work of a freelance journalist based in St Andrews c.1930-1980 whose c.60,000 negatives document all aspects of life in north-east Fife and its role in national events during a highly significant fifty-year period, and also contains an astounding golfing archive). St Andrews has many other smaller collections (both historic and modern) of local, national and international range. The collection of very early photography (1840-c.1870) is one of the finest in the world.

The Genesis project is a mapping initiative, funded by the Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP) and based at The Women's Library in London, to identify and develop access to women's history sources in the British Isles. Researchers can access over 2,000 collection descriptions which will cover a wide range of subjects relating to women's history via the project website.

The aim of this project is to open up a major under-used resource for research in a wide range of disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences by targeted series-level cataloguing of post-1850 overseas mapping. This will facilitate remote access to key materials by converting map library catalogue records, which at present are held on cards and accessible only to researchers visiting the libraries in person. The areas of coverage include Africa, North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand as well as much of Asia and the Middle East. The individual countries covered range from the tiniest Pacific islands to the vast areas of British Antarctica, from Mediterranean islands such as Cyprus and Malta to countries the size of Nigeria and Canada. Initially, different areas of the world were allocated to each partner but now each institution can also derive CURL records for areas already covered. For example, six libraries have completed work on Australia, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.

The project attempts to fill two major gaps in the bibliography of Wales. Firstly, the dates 1801 and 1919 have been chosen to fill a geographical and linguistic gap in the Nineteenth-century short title catalogue (NSTC) which is believed to have excluded much Welsh language material. Secondly, it will fill a gap between Libri Walliae: a catalogue of Welsh books and books printed in Wales 1546-1820, and Bibliotheca Celtica and its successor Llyfryddiaeth Cymru/Bibliography of Wales which cover the period from 1909 to date.

DOMIC is a two-year project launched to improve cross disciplinary access to television documentary archives held in the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College London. The project supported by Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP) began in January 2000. The archival collections to be covered relate to the Vietnam, Falklands and Gulf Wars, the Cold War, the Arab-Israeli Wars, conflict in the former Yugoslavia, chemical and biological testing and the development of nuclear technology and its impact on international relations and defence policies. Summary guides and detailed catalogues covering some 92,000 items are available on line.

AIM25 (Archives in London and the M25 area) commenced in January 2000 and is supported by two rounds of funding from the Research Support Libraries Programme. The principal objective of AIM25 is to prove a single point of networked access to descriptions of the archives of AIM25 consortial partners. These comprise more than fifty institutions, consisting of the principal colleges and schools of the University of London, other universities and Higher Education institutes in the area, and some of the most important royal colleges and societies of medicine and science based in London. The website allows researchers to browse ISAD(G) descriptions by repository and to conduct searches using two types of text search engine or the indexes of personal, corporate and place names and a subject thesaurus based on the UNESCO Thesaurus.

Charting the Nation is a collaborative digital imaging and cataloguing project funded by the Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP), with additional support from the Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network (SCRAN) and the National Library of Scotland. The primary aim of the project is to provide on-line access to maps of Scotland and their associated archives dating from 1550 to 1740.

An extensive collection of Trotskiana. The originalgift comprised some 1800 editions of Trotsky’s works in 40 languages, together with numerous secondary items and several hundred periodical and newspaper issues containing pieces by Trotsky. The collection hassubsequently been augmented with a small group of papers and published material presented by the widow of Isaac Deutscher (Trotsky’s biographer). Other significant additions include the first Russian edition ofWhere is Britain Going? (1925); copies of two films of Trotsky in Mexico, purchased from the cameraman who shot them; a recording of the speech made on the occasion of the founding of the Fourth International and numerous copies of original Trotsky correspondenceheld in North American libraries. Donated to Glasgow University Library in 1983 by Louis Sinclair, Trotsky’s bibliographer.

The Independent Labour Party Russian Tour Material relates to a tour of the Soviet Union organised by the Independent Labour Party in 1932. Delegates visited Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev. An un-named I.L.P. member produced this notebook, which contains notes about the tour, a brief history of the country, and comments and descriptions of conditions under the Five Year Plan. The notebook is illustrated with photographs and postcards.

This large collection has been deposited by the Pinney Family. The papers include family affairs, estate management, farming, trade, slave ownership. It covers all aspects of their life from the C16-C20th, both on the island of Nevis in the West Indies, and in the West Country of England. Of particular interest are a fine series of letterbooks and accountbooks which give a picture of the trade of the family. There are also personal papers of individual members of the family, and legal papers relating to their estates both in Nevis and Britain. There is a small amount of material relating to other West Indies islands, and America, particularly relating to trade.

The Potter Manuscripts consist of notebooks relating chiefly to preliminary work on Potter's publications on the history of Switzerland, Zwingli, Calvin etc.

Most of the material was donated by Janey Buchan and has been supplemented by further acquisitions and donations. The collection represents a continuing record of publication from 1936 to the present day. Most of the material is pro-Republicans but there are also significant items that reflect a Nationalist bias.

The Ronald Fraser Oral History Collection consists of research materials gathered by Ronald Fraser, the leading oral historian in the field of modern Spanish history, for his books In Hiding: the life of Manuel Cortes and The Pueblo: a mountain village on the Costa del Sol, which record first-hand accounts of the experience of living in post-War Spain. It includes tapes of interviews (in Spanish with English transcripts) with Manuel Cortes, the last republican Mayor of a small Spanish village, who lived in hiding from Franco's regime for 30 years.

John Laredo (1932-2000) was a South African-born academic, who undertook anthropological fieldwork among Zulu-speaking Nguni in the Shongweni, Ndwedwe and Inanda areas. He acted against the apartheid regime, as a result of which he was jailed and the subject of a banning order. This meant he could not publish or submit his thesis in South Africa. Laredo moved to England in 1969 on his release from prison, and in 1972 joined the teaching staff at the University of Bradford, where he remained until his retirement. The Laredo South African Archive includes his field research, his thesis, material relating to his academic career and also forms a resource for the study of South African history.

Glasgow University library has one of the most extensive collections in Europe of Russian and East European economics, politics and history. From a modest departmental collection in 1948 it has grown to its present size of about 75,000 items. The collection is particularly strong on the Russian and Soviet economy, especially of the post-war period, but other aspects of the former USSR are well represented. There is, for example, a good series of publications on the history and the economic history of the republics and regions, and a significant number of publications on the history of individual industrial enterprises. There are rapidly expanding sections on foreign policy, politics and law, and considerable holdings of material on pre-Soviet and early Soviet history. The holdings include published collections of historical, statistical, legal, diplomatic and Party documents, dissident materials, archives such as the Schlesinger Papers, special collections (e.g. on Trotsky) and microfilm collections of newly available Russian archives.

The majority of the items relate to trials (often what are sometimes termed "show trials"), related matters such as espionage and treason, and other political events in Eastern Europe (such as the uprising in Hungary in 1956), though not exclusively in that area, during both pre- and post-World War II times.

Based on the library of William Gallacher, last Communist Party M.P. in U.K. The library has grown by further donations since his death in 1965. It contains an extensive, wide-ranging collection of material on almost all aspects of the Soviet Union and CPSU including: the Russian revolution; World War II; politics; literature and art.

The collection consists of recordings and/or transcripts of interviews on their personal histories carried out with members of the Ukrainian community in Bradford.

Presented in 1931 by John James Spencer of Glasgow. The collection contains over hundred items, mainly contemporary pamphlets, broadsides, maps, together with a few manuscripts, relating to the Darien Scheme, an attempt to found a Scots trading colony at Darien in the isthmus of Panama at the end of the 17th century.

Over 15,000 volumes. Collection includes all areas of the Caribbean, including non-Hispanic. Recent material on open access; store includes older and rare books, mostly still recorded only in card catalogue. Current acquisition mainly of English-language material to support teaching programmes. For further detail see Alan Biggins and Valerie Cooper, eds, Latin American and Caribbean library resources in the British Isles: a directory (2002).

One of the most important Latin American library collections in Europe. Holdings total c.80,000 monographs and over 1,600 journals of which about 100 are current. The collection is not housed separately but is integrated into the main stock of the University Library and dispersed throughout it on a subject basis. All items are recorded in the Library's online catalogue.

The Kennedy Collection consists of some 350 books relating chiefly to Japan and other Far Eastern countries.

The Italian Refugees' Relief Committee was was set up in 1927 as a non-political humanitarian organisation to raise funds to support those who fled Mussolini's Fascist regime. British immigration regulations of the time did not permit the entry of refugees into Britain, but the British Committee was able to send funds and material aid to their French counterparts, the Comité de Secours aux Réfugiés Politiques Italiens, which supported a large exile community in Paris. The collection contains correspondence on subjects including acceptance or rejection of membership, donations, appeals, Committee meetings and finance. There is also correspondence from the French committee, particularly from Giovanna Berneri (wife of the anarchist anti-Fascist Luigi Camillo Berneri), reporting on visits to refugee families, other activities of the organisation, and finance. The rest of the collection contains copies of appeals and letters sent to the press, pamphlets, reports, accounts and balance sheets, and other miscellaneous items.

The Rubeo Collection was purchased from the collector Capitano Giuseppe Rubeo. It consists of some 4000 books, many rare, on a variety of subjects. They include many hundreds of volumes relating to Italian fascism, published during the fascist period itself, which are particularly rare, as such books were usually thrown out and destroyed at the end of the war, by both private collectors and libraries, and are now extremely hard to locate in Italy. Probably the most interesting sub-category here are the many books published in the 1920s and 1930s on the Italian colonies (Libya and Ethiopia). There is also literature, including first or early editions of important literary texts by writers such as Ardengo Soffici, Giovannli Papini, and Giuseppe Prezzolini. The Library is currently seeking funding for the full cataloguing of this collection.

A collection of documents from Mussolini's Salò Republic, or Repubblica Sociale Italiana, a Nazi-instigated regime based on the shores of Lake Garda from 1943 to 1945. The collection includes material from different administrative departments. One group of files from the Ministero degli Affari Esteri contains around 350 documents pertaining to the requisition of properties for government use. Other sections include orders from the Ministero delle Forze Armate: Sottosegretariato di Stato per la Marina, vehicle and travel permits from the Guardia del Duce, and anti-Allied and pro-Fascist propaganda from the Ministero della Cultura Popolare. There are also three passports issued by the regime, around 40 intercepted radio messages from Allied broadcasts, including from Reuters and from the Vatican radio, and twenty bulletins issued by the regime's news agency, the Agenzia Stefani.

Cecil Jackson Squire Sprigge was chief correspondent for Reuters in Italy during World War II. He had previously been Italian correspondent for the Manchester Guardian, where he was succeeded by his wife Sylvia. The Sprigge collection covers the period c. 1920-1970 and reflects the Sprigges' interest in all aspects of Italian affairs, including the Fascist regime, Vatican politics, post-war reconstruction, art and literature. They also contain material about European politics and diplomatic relations. Printed books from the Sprigge collection were added to the Main Library stock and include material on Italian history, politics and philosophy, as well as a number of guidebooks and pamphlets collected by the Sprigges during their time in Italy. A number of the books are not yet fully catalogued.

The Gallacher Memorial Library is based on the library of William Gallacher, it has grown by further donations since his death in 1965. Major additonal sources of materials on Ireland are donations from the collection of Pat Devine and materials from the CPI.

The collection is a photographic record of places visited during a 'world tour' undertaken by Knoop in the academic session 1913-1914, mainly in the Far East. The images cover natural features, human interest such as street scenes, and major events such as earthquakes, in the countries visited, as well as incidental events on the tour.

A collection of primary sources, ranging from 1933-1950, showing life in Germany under a dictatorship and with Allied occupation. The collection has a copy of the Volkischer Beobachter (official Nazi newspaper) for the day after Adolf Hitler became chancellor on 30 January 1933. It also holds photographs of Germany in ruins in the summer of 1945. In between these two landmark years German society underwent a radical transformation. The collection records this transformation.

The Fascism in Europe Collection is a developing collection of books on the history of fascism. Many items are relevant to Nazi Germany or the German occupation. They are in English, German or a number of other languages.

The Holocaust Collection is a developing collection of books on the history of the Holocaust. Items are mostly in English or German.

The Mendelson Collection is particularly rich in material on German political and economic history, especially of the twentieth century, including works on the rise of fascism, communism and socialism, and post-war conditions in Europe after 1945. German-language material predominates, accounting for approximately three-quarters of the collection.

The Turner Collection was gathered by Father John Turner (1765-1844), a member of the Community of English Benedictines in France during the Revolution. He was personally involved in events in Paris, taking the Civic Oath, and suffering imprisonment in Sainte-Plagie 1793-5. The collection was preserved in the Community's monastery at Douai until the Community's removal to England in 1903, when it was transferred to Douai Abbey, Woolhampton. It was placed on permanent deposit in the University Library, by the Abbot and Community of Douai, in July 1966. The 275 volumes contain some 8,000 items in all, and concerning the events of mainly 1787-1806.

The French Wartime Newspapers collection recounts the progress of the Allied armies in France over a three-week period from the struggle for the Liberation of Paris (August 25th 1944), together with a Victory issue celebrating the end of the War following the full German surrender (May 7th 1945).

The Mendelson Collection is particularly rich in material on French political and economic history, especially of the twentieth century, including works on the rise of fascism, communism and socialism, and post-war conditions in Europe after 1945. French-language material accounts for approximately one-quarter of the collection.

Covers all aspects of the modern experience in the Caribbean and the diaspora (particularly the United Kingdom). The focus is on the Anglophone and Hispanic islands, but the Francophone and Dutch are also covered. The collection consists of approx. 2700 textbooks, monographs, official reports and pamphlets which principally supports an undergraduate half degree, but also some research. In addition there are about 150 videocassettes which are a mixture of off-air recordings and commercial purchases.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.